September 11, 2009
Rainbow Skeleton Teeth
Experiencing the feeling of remorse/conscience concerning my Grandmother’s death (So far as not having a certain depth of farewell?) I vaguely recall going into this ceremony feeling that I wished to say goodbye to her, to acknowledge my appreciation, etc.
Seeing the toad and rooster from the yage-dimension, outside of the ceremony house, sensing their individual beings. The rooster reminding me of a ’Little Mayan God.’ The toad was a being of stability and I sensed its mysterious presence on the Earth.
Lots of smiling. Sanango healing (A big night with this.)
I perceived smiling, happy, elongated spirits traveling from outer space; smiling and diving into the Earth’s atmosphere… There was something in this vision that was related to their seeking rebirth or reincarnation.
I felt it when the Sanango spirit left me, the deepness of an intelligent calm. I experienced it as a selfless cosmic giver of itself, its cause-being, its objective aspects, its own rhythm of love expression. I could sense it grafting onto my bones, like etching solution, a sort of protective mesh (?) I sensed that it had a purpose without an individual…
Luco had given each of us one of his stones from his collection that normally sits on a piece of cloth in front of him; the one he gave me was perfect for what was to come later that night in regards to the Sanango spirit: It felt as if the spirit took the stone with my hand as ’I’ performed deep massage on specific points on my chest, sternum and stomach/intestinal areas. I was able to massage deeper and my body became less tense…
It was on this night that I experienced for the first time that my body intuitively moved to the rhythms of the icaros, as if the icaros was playing my body like a musical instrument.
People as they wear themselves in the now.
Wrapping myself up like ‘Peas in a pod’… The sensation in the hammock of being a sort of organic creation with my consciousness imbedded within.
I had a brief vision of being the presence inside a Holy White Skeleton with its back against some sort of garden wall and there being vines and light filtering through branches nearby.
When the dogs were barking, I distinctly sensed that they were guarding the temple entrance to our ceremony space,
Like Anubis(s) of Egypt.
On this night I composed a prose to my actual skeleton within. I also received a vision of a Dancing Volcano as being a sort of logo or icon symbol for Sanango.
While bathing the morning after this ceremony, I felt as though I was approaching the end of a certain healing stage/level, going to an unknown ’next’.
The sensation that we (as a group) were of a holy process, being scrubbed of dark energies, ego-thought-residue and cellular karma-deed’s influence.
I felt as though something (other than Sanango) was grafting onto my skeleton (?)
The observation of asking for help: Learning to manage the medicine inside me and my relationship to its spontaneous revelations and communications.
The feeling that the medicine was searching within me: My bowels and intestinal tracts were ’dancing’ too…
Seeing the traditional Shipibo geometric film over the ‘picture’ of Ordinary Reality.
Experiencing what I sensed was/is the state of Original Being.
The idea came to me this night to do a Sanango and Pungra Negra dieta.
Smiling at people as a positive affirmation of being in love with The Gift of Life.
We’ve each been given an entire planet to gestate and birth from…
Inside time.
We are children of where tick & tock are not Adam & Eve.
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