November 22, 2009
With Honey Dripping Lips Sucking on Sugarcane
God, assist me in remembering all of this glory-blessed night… I ended my session of ceremonies here in full trust of the Medicine and Luco, as my heart had planned it, not letting the body’s remembering of C.33’s difficult toll be a factor in how I take whatever amount Luco decides to pour me. Tonight’s dose was slightly less than a half cup. Aya would tell me that from here on out she wants me to have a quarter cup as my ‘working dose.’
In the beginning hour of the ceremony (its effects lasting up until 3:30 or 4:00AM when I surprisingly simply blinked off and woke up like a light being switched on at 6-6:30AM) Aya had been telling me that my ‘house was clean’ though I sensed large dark forces passing through me, perhaps from another plane, i.e., before my physical body came into being or was I about to embark again on purging a collective ‘mass’ of material, as in C.33, from an Ancestral pool of ‘subtle energy bodies’ who were all previously sharing the same two issues needing purging, having more to move out tonight?
Nonetheless, soon an awesome series of short purges would arrive, intermixed with incredible finale details touched upon me; throughout Yage would tell me that these were ‘finishing touches’ or ‘farewell gifts,’ also that I was clean (in the final stages) so far as my son coming into the world. Too, on this night I would be at the final preparation point for being ready to merge with Isis’s spirit completely as I received the final stages of an ‘outline’ of sorts involving Holy Service.
Earth Egg
Waiting late in the day to record this, some events may be out of sequence a little… The purges I will simply list as they occurred, pretty much at the same lot of time, i.e., towards the middle of ceremony. I traveled to the restroom 2-3 times, a beautiful and incredible purge of an evil seed/egg of the Earth, the first time that I was called to ‘give birth’ to an evil egg, sending it back to the elements from which it was laid in me, an immensely feminine event.
Onyx Candles
The other purges; one involved the emerging of a World Kingdom of Evil, I felt its building growing, enticing itself, taking over the entire horizon of my consciousness, rising to me like a black, ancient carnivore sun; as it flowed towards me, soon I was on my knees in the Holy Beggar position, kissing the C.H. floor and purging it deeply…
The massive purge of Worry: The old woman meanderer, the pinning away old lady in the corner, something evil…
Another was some kind of Psychic Scab somewhere in my torso (?) A second was a huge evil Black Spider Queen and what I vaguely recall were some of her children. A third was an Old Woman, very dirty, large, unkempt and mean, connected to dirty diapers and possibly abuse.
Again, was I purging for ‘Them?’ I ask this since I received the impression later that my whole family lineage was watching my progress throughout the night; I was told by my deceased Grandmothers that as I grow, they also grow… I believe I had a series of 6-10 short, very intense purges, all deep, gagging heaves (no material). Humorously I’ve been dubbed ‘el dragoon’ by Luco and Jeff.
Soon the medicine found something hiding in the shadows of my mind, some sort of alienish creature, flattened like a withering, bony stingray against the inside of my skull, and I purged this.
I found myself having what I vaguely recall was a spirit-heart attack; soon I experienced in the midst of the other purging sequences a vast eruption inside it; I remember that something had been inserted in my heart (?) Suddenly there was a burst and ‘ME’ was born, as I reached my arms to the sky in celebration and quest for expressing it…
At the beginning of ceremony I was instructed/intuitively drawn to massage my heart/chest area so to concentrate more on my heart…
Cross City
At one point I found myself at Jesus’ Metropolis, a teeming city of giant buildings made of cross-shaped architecture, these were huge crosses, some skyscraper sized, enormous!, all cross-multitudes reaching as far as my peripheral could embrace, having as their ‘skin’ transparent panels of different gemstone colors, glass like, filled will all kinds of varied intensities of light, some glowing with Beyond Nuclear Energy, white hot light, subtle and soft, firelight moods, etc.
Here it was only Jesus living; he approached and kissed me on the lips, endowing me with The Hands of Christ (the ability/function of these are for being able to redeem others of their sins, (a channeling-device?). Pressing then his chest to mine I could see his Christ-heart, guarded by some sort of reef of long thorns, these penetrated what I was told was a false heart inside me… Laying on my mat, total surrender, deep watching of the heart shriveling, dying… I recall that I was anticipating a birth of another, though soon understood that my real heart was beside the shadow-copy of itself, the fake one, witnessing the dissolution.
I was then told that his city was a kind of Power Station in the Galaxy, that Christ suffered to keep it running, yet in a different ‘way’ than ever an Earth Reference could relate to and that there were other beings whose cities were made of different symbols, other Power Stations throughout the Galaxy.
I found myself journeying to my friend Janet’s house in CA and psychically/energetically clearing it entirely of dark energies, after I was approached by the Holy Spider (though I do not feel that this was ‘her’ title) and was told that she spun crystalline webs; she endowed me through the top of my head with the power to spread this crystalline purifying web… A spider web symbol appeared on the top of my skull and I was told that if I wished that I could someday get it tattooed there (!)
I also visited an old girlfriend’s home (Lee) and then my mother’s, who may have been the first clearing… Later in bed I would tap into a much greater ‘link’ and clear all the houses of every woman that I had ever been with on Earth, an enormously powerful event!
God Glasses and a Caterpillar Cloak
In the Ceremony House I received a pair of what were called, ‘God Spectacles,’ large round mirror-glasses (kept on the top of my head). I placed these on as the Kingdom of Evil approached me, mirroring it back to itself. Later, while in bed I would receive a ‘Cloak of the Caterpillar’ for camouflaging while in the desert.
Queen Gaia
An enormous event took place in the C.H. mid ceremony: I was approached by some kind of Grand Queen of Gaia (Springtime?) I believe it was also a kind of final ‘chapter’ in the Eternal Forgiveness power realm…
She (it was Ayahuasca! and not Spring) endowed me with a pair of gloves that flowed endlessly with ultra-fresh running water; later I would be instructed (I was told to keep them in a sachet around my neck) to make a satchel out of a sea sponge with a golden zipper sown on with silk thread…
The gloves were beyond beautiful! Glimmering with possibly diamonds, though this may have been the sparkling waters. I was told that I would have the ability to make any water into Holy Water…
Holy of Holy-full God-God Egg
I journeyed into deep Space and was shown ‘one of trillions,’ a God-egg that God was incubating! It was wrapped in fine wool threads/strands, glowing slightly (luminous from the inside), pearl like, the personification of silence, stillness, of being nurtured by God’s connective vast Womb! It had a vaginal shaped opening in the partial cocoon, I could vaguely make out a sort of infant/larvae inside, like that of a butterfly larvae, it glowed with a kind of reddish light from its vaginal shape-area…
Yellow skin, Opal Eyes
Soon, while speaking to Jeff as the purge settled, I envisioned the God-child, then an entire scene opened up; the child was born with bright yellow skin, it then opens its eyelids and possesses opal eyes. It has been given an entire planet as a birthday gift and the planet moves and births phenomenon as the child thinks it… When the child claps his hands, the planet blinks off and on, this is his Love-beacon to his Father-God…
Honey Soul
While still in conversation with Jeff, I had an intuition about his friend H. in LA. That he (H.) is one of four guardians who are at each N., S., East and West quadrant of the Earth, that H’s aspect (on a Galactic level) is Guidance (though while recording this I sensed a vagueness about this aspect; yet, one of the things I told Jeff was that, “H. knows what to do with you.” [‘Guidance’ is the closest I came to matching the spirit of this line.]
Soon I envisioned H. surrounded by huge moths with transparent wings, his (H.) mouth oozing with honey and sucking on a piece of sugarcane… The moths being attracted to his light…
Another observation from Yage for Jeff (being given to me to tell him) was that, “All the chatter is just the Universe flowing through you.” A second intuition (an add-on from the boat-ceremony vision I had of Jeff) was that he belonged to a Celestial Clan of Star Gazers and that they are sending out beacons (form/kind?) to him.
Submersion Beads and Elves
A new healing modality was revealed to me tonight, that of working with glass beads and using them in healing-baths… I may have been filled with these glass beads prior to the new healing modality revelation/instruction…
Later, on my way back from the market, I would envision an apparatus for a milk dripping healing modality…
Tonight, while laying in bed, I traveled, finding myself on the seas or observing it from being in the air (?) The waters were filled with elves sailing in upside down umbrellas, hundreds of them. They told me that Mary Poppins is their Elf Queen and that they’ve no King…
Suddenly, while still in the Elven realm (and on the bed,) my forefinger involuntarily went to the back of my head with a very specific ‘point’ in mind, going to the top of my spinal cord and penetrating deep therein at the base of the neck, hurting a little, as an electrical surge rocked my spine: An elf told me that my spine was being woven/enclosed in Elven Chainmail… [Now it seems that I have a sore in that spot that I’ve been told looks like a cigarette burn; I didn't know about it earlier since it doesn’t hurt.]
Now You Know
Late in the morning a power (?) arrived into my hands, I believe this was at the peak of an astral orgasm, where suddenly (with my hands over my eyes, transferring this energy therein) my eyes were switched, i.e., my Left for my Right and visa versa: I slowly opened them and intuited that the opposition of my hemispheres was no longer an issue, Right eye for Right hemisphere and Left for Left… After this Isis would say, “Now you see like me.” Secondly, with the acquisition of the new level of Divine Servitude, she’d also comment, “Now you know.”
Note: There was a point in this night where my lover came to me with vaginas in her palms and soles of her feet; my kissing of these, their, i.e., the hands’ sudden hard pressing down upon my face, my eyes were inside the vaginas!, like un-laid eggs developing in a bird; this may be when the right and left eye-switch occurred (?)
I purged Disappointment tonight, tapping so deep into acceptance and tolerance… Yage would have me stand up twice in divine recognition of the father qualities of Dignity and Self Assurance: Yes, I would gain this conscious aspect tonight (SA).
My long deceased dog ‘Bear’ visited me as an ancient spirit/soul lover of mine! Telling me that she was happy and sent affections to me.
Mid ceremony I went to take a shower, laid down awhile and then answered a call to come back to the C.H., to stay for nearly an hour more until Yage called me to bed… Getting in bed Yage would tell me that Isis was waiting for me and that she’d let us be together instead, though later Yage would show up for a brief lovemaking ‘spell.’
Young Bull of Hades
Prior to getting into bed I was prompted to go into the full Holy Beggar pose and kiss the Earth… Soon, as my lips were still held to the concrete floor, I found that I was kissing God’s body in some way, possibly his forehead (?) Soon my forehead went towards his; I journeyed to Hades where I was given the Sword of Hades and told that I was now a sort of beginner-warden/keeper-watcher of Hades…
I envisioned myself kneeling and possessing bright white bull horns going straight out of my head. The Moose totem came to me and I may have possessed it briefly (The subject-spirit of the Deer totem also visited).
While in Hades I found myself standing in front of a deceased old friend of mine, Mr. Tennyson (my long ago ‘adopted grandfather‘), he was crying, I took him into my arms and walked him slowly up the stairs, out of Hades and into the fresh Springtime air: I recall seeing his ‘kitten eyes’ opening in the clear light. The sword was a large, two handed one, blazing red hot, though no flames… Twice this night I would get inside the Black Egg.
Note: After receiving the Sword of Hades, sitting upright on my heels and beholding this majestic duty and honor rising in me like an eternal dawn!
Love Notes
Tonight my lover and I would make the deepest, most profound love to date, as I opened my eyes to hundreds of pink rose petals being poured into me. Listening to the Cocteau Twins… Having climaxes in one another’s entire vein-system (or it may have only been in mine) as the whole body surged and lit with this glowing cosmic amber honey!
I experienced Isis drinking from my crown chakra tonight; I could psychically sense the ripples being created by her lapping/sipping.
With the event of an astral-sexual climax (electronic), I envisioned the manifestation of a crystal palace as a result taking place on another plane of existence…
I’d be told this evening by Yage, that no matter the personal content of these blog entries, that all people had this potential and to disclose it, since its revelation will speak to their potential.
Experiencing Luco as Grande Dad, the Father on Earth: A voice would tell me that he was one of my spiritual fathers.
Early on in the ceremony I was told that man’s obsession with ‘perfect abs’ was a fear of pregnancy, that it was a psychic shield of sorts… That it was something his soul had to journey into and out of, since in old age he’d loose this shield by default and find himself pregnant with his deeds, that Death plays out one’s deeds and that it is these actions that determine the next incarnation…
While in ceremony, towards the end of the purge, the idea that my deeds were Holy Material dawned deeper and deeper into me! I was told 3-4 times to remember that my deeds after leaving Peru would be the material that Yage would work with upon my return, that I was now a pure place of origin (not her exact words), i.e., it felt as though I were standing from a type of ‘zero point.’ The sense of this revelation’s furtherance was so heart deepening!
I manifested as the Green Cobra briefly, an awesome incarnation! Feeling its massive snake-ness surrounding my head and its body in mine…
Isis would manifest tonight with a python around her neck… Also she manifested as dressed in black with red hearts! We manifested as two Galactically huge (about the size of Earth’s moon) crystal bumblebees kissing in Space!
I experienced the Galactic Vagina and was told that it was the Most Almighty Flirt; I also deeply sensed that Space was the surface entrance to this vagina and that all the stars and planets were its beads of sweat and enticed dew drops.
The Holy White Haired Horn Blower and Atlantis
The most dear and awesome unfolding took place in bed… I envisioned Isis as the Holy White Haired Horn Blower. The vision was that of an elderly woman’s head being on the body of a young woman (between 17 and 20) and possessing big, electric static-flowing white hair, holding a kind of horn, possibly that of a buffalo or cow. This is where the Mermaid lower half of the body showed up, i.e., that this white haired being had a Mermaid’s lower half.
Soon this developed into a full blown astral travel together as we went deep, miles and miles underwater to visit the location of our original One Throne…
I envisioned our Holy Skeleton, our first body, i.e., a sort of fish-body skeleton (and the fins) lower half transitioning into a round vertebrae on a human pelvis (though this transition area between human and aquatic was vague,) possessing a regular human torso, arms and two human heads… (Could this have also been a second incarnation from the Galactic Skeleton composition?) I was told ‘we’ were born in Atlantis and that Atlantis did not blow up, that “The sun took it back.”
The underwater surroundings of the throne were murky, seemingly abandoned, archaic, there were tall rectilinear structures somewhat ‘rooted’ to the ocean floor that all curved towards a center, where our throne sat: It was here that we sat together, though I believe as two separate mermaids (?) (Possibly the split of the God-seed produced our two bodies as separate species-expressions specific to the incarnation context of the time?] This journey was awesome!
Note: I shape changed while on the throne, for fun; I, laughing afterward at my being a puffed out porcupine with strawberries stuck at the ends of its quills! Isis may have also changed, though I do not recall into what…
There was also a point in the Atlantis introduction that I witnessed seeing a part of the city above water and to the left, gleaming golden yellow temples and a tropical sense.
The Reds
Soon an extraordinary event occurred! My first UFO encounter. A little spaceship appeared and took me far out into Space to a larger replica of their smaller transport. The Mother ship was about the size of a medium-planet, say Venus…
Once inside, they showed themselves as reddish, transparent beings, with large heads and between four and five feet tall… The way they hosted being-visitors was by undoing themselves and allowing the visitor to step inside them, then they’d walk around with you inside. There were many other beings here inside these extraterrestrials, visiting, staying, both? I was told that they called themselves, ‘The Reds.’ I opened my eyes and found myself back in bed.
Soon their ship showed up again, they asked if I wanted to go once more; I experienced a little resistance from my body and then laughed, thinking, “When ever do I get this opportunity, geez?!” So I said, ‘Yes’ and soon found myself at the interior of Neptune where there was only three things, Lakes of bright yellow Sulfur, low hills of pine trees and pine cones on the ground: I vaguely recall one of the Reds exclaiming, ‘Isn’t it beautiful!?’ I agreed and soon was back in bed, being presented with a third journey offer, which I accepted.
We went to the Eye of Jupiter: There I witnessed a Galactic Clipper Ship (Cosmically huge!!), a living being riding the 450+ year old storm of Jupiter’s eye. There were none on board, only us visitors. Its sails were similar to satellite panels, huge in breadth/height, possibly the size of the USA each! I was told that this living ship was some kind of transmitter, that it sent out into Space the energies/signals produced by the Eye’s Storm…
Returning back to bed I was wondering about the reality of this, since it was so science-fiction-spectacular: Suddenly one of the Red’s manifested and stuck its tongue in my eye, going all the way to my pineal gland (third eye), where it proceeded to stimulate it very similar to a woman’s clitoris! This rocked my body for several minutes, sending never before sensed peculiar energies flowing around…
The Spirit of Night was briefly with me on the outside of my bed and I kissing her fabric. I would cuddle with Isis: Tonight I gained further depth of my true incarnation of an arch-angel. Taking my wing and extending it out over her...
Note: Possibly connected with the first time I visited with The Reds: There was a scene in a semi-dark room or grotto, where it showed a huge feminine sort of sarcophagus (three or four times human size) positioned flush against a wall; it looked to be semi-living, i.e., half alien created and half organic… Suddenly it split open and a female being stepped out, she was transparent and contained within her all the fruits and vegetables found in the traditional Horn of Plenty; this image sunk so, so deep into the awe of my heart! One of the most exquisite impressions of the evening!
My Friend
While laying down I made a connection for my love of my friend in CA. Her spirit came to me and then an entity showed itself, a major demon: I took the Winged Gloves from my crown chakra, made the Virgin Mary sign for awhile and then proceeded to gently dissolve it, turning it to ash… Prior to the gloves I placed the hands of Christ on its shoulders; vaguely I recall that this may have been the only treatment presented to it. (It showed up inside the mosquito net with me.)
After this exorcism of the major demon in her, I sat for a long time with my legs crossed and in the prayer-hand position, radiating love and gratefulness towards that ‘space’ where it once sat…
At the beginning of ceremony an incredible event occurred where I located a child entity in me: It said that it felt, ‘Like shit, etc.’ There was suddenly a small crisis-sensation pulsing through me, I could feel the sense of death on the edge, self-destruction, etc. I took it into my heart, it said that it still felt this way; I sent it many beautiful gifts, love, affection, etc. Eventually it said, “I can feel me.” It settled in; its health was also connected to my mandate that my actions would be my spiritual building blocks, food for it, etc. Possibly I was purging for it? Previously, the child-entity/spirit asked, “How do I know that you’re sincere and not lying?” I answered, “By my actions.” [The fruit of my actions will feed the spirits (and) attract those in me.]
Tonight I purged Impatience.
Manifesting as the Arch-angel consciousness!
Sending loving care to my body, especially my stomach and intestines… Talking to them, massaging and being told that material was moving down, from the stomach into my bowels…
Sensing how my body becomes the sole possession of the Medicine’s Divine Will…
On this night, laying in bed, I had the wish that a friend of mine find his soul mate and sent this desire outwards, like a healing sphere: Soon I received a further development from this ‘message.’ I envisioned it traveling to ‘her’ (his soul mate) and plunging into her chest… Once there I felt that I could intuit the word ‘Ayahuasca’ and lead her to this place in Peru where we are studying as apprentices. We shall see… Recalling the scene where I sensed that my friend will become a father and our talk in the C.H. about this.
The time in bed where I held my two hands in specific poses (To research these later in Indian literature.) Meeting the Holy Naughty Mistress and her lessons concerning sexual expression…
The Giant Python swallowing me in the C.H. My body feeling like a giant phallus inside a vagina as the python constricted from time to time with me inside.
The sensation of feeling pure; that Yage is taking us out of the dream and making us real. Reminded of my God-smarts…
There was a point in the ceremony where Yage indicated to me that I may have unknowingly played a joke on myself in how I interpreted her saying to me, “You may proceed with the medicine as you see fit.” in regards to working with others, etc. Also, there was a good hint that she was in on the joke too: She said that next time would be for real (?) This revelation showed me how much of a babe I still am in regards to working with the Medicine. There were also dimensional sensations coming from the zone, working with my intuition concerning the subject of working with the medicine and others… Beautiful blessings!
Towards the end of the purge (in the C.H.) I was letting out spirit-hounds/dogs of evil through belching… Later in the night: Being warned that the ‘spiritual school’ I once belonged to was/is a “Hornet’s Nest” and to stay away from it on all levels of interaction. After my shower I was endowed by the Fairies with a parasite-spirit-insect that feeds on these ’Hornets.’
On the night of the next day, after the big celebration of it being the last day of our three-month program, I sent a message to Luco who was asleep in the C.H. late at night, that I cared for him, though didn’t know whether to come and get him to come inside where it was less damp since it had started to rain very hard… Within seconds of sending this intent, he entered the house, going upstairs to bed! Love reaches without stretching anything out of place!
Dignity, Strength, Reliability (Father totem celebrations)
The attempt at taking pictures of my two Grandmothers’ spirit orbs (after their request that I do so) and getting messages that some orbs are too weak to show up on film, that as they develop finer and finer vibrations they can be detected… Meghan took many successful pictures of these in the C.H. and at the village graveyard on All Saints Eve.
Journeying to the crystal chandelier in God’s chateau: Hanging at the top of it, bedazzled by the crystal prisms, salivating on myself, so drunk in love!
God, the dream weaver of his own dreams, i.e., “I dreamed me.”
At the end of the three month session Luco told me what my two shamanic earth-totems were; The Jaguar and The Sky.