November 11, 2009
The exodus inside the compass point
This was a special ceremony where Luco offered to have it upstairs in the Main House with Jeff, Taylor and myself. The beginnings of this ceremony’s outline began as we were traveling back on the boat from Iquitos to Jenaro Herrera; a voice told me that I would receive a smock, a mask and surgeon’s gloves tonight… On my way along the river I sent out messages to my Twin Flame (using waterways as a phone line). I also set an aim to help heal her and my God-sister in the U.S.
The weather outside looked stormy though only a mild rain began just as we were about to drink the medicine. In this ceremony, going with my standard of not specifying a dosage from Luco and the fact that it was so dark, I did not really see (for the first time) exactly how much I was getting, I guessed it at nearly a half cup, i.e., ‘a fat quarter’. The incredible beauty that I sense from this is that Luco has seemingly ‘plugged’ into my change of heart and simply pours what he feels is right and hands it to me, saying nothing before or after!
After drinking I could feel my inner circuits glowing within 5-10 minutes… For awhile I sat on the mat and swayed to the icaros, humming and opening myself to their vibration- currents… It was about 20-30 minutes into the ceremony that I laid down completely (We had only the mats upstairs tonight).
Going deep into the electronic realm, far down, opening my eyes, sensing Yage’s presence, hearing her voice… [The body/spirit effects of this ceremony lasted up to 2PM of the next day while recording in my journal.]
Ayahuasca petals
I believe this event took place prior to the root cellar visit (?) At the early part of the ceremony upstairs, Yage would briefly have a sexual encounter with me. Later, downstairs, Ia Umaa visited a second time for another love-dance.
Beautiful basement
Early into the experience I found myself laying on the floor of Yage’s ‘root cellar’, a beautiful place, though dark; I could not discern what was here. Yage would tell me there was nothing bad about this place and that it was a sacred space where she stored her goods (?)
All bubbles
I also recall psychically seeing and sensing the Prayer Spheres and Healing Spheres issuing out of me and away into Space: I was told that all actions send forth these ‘spheres’ and ‘orbs’. Some were round, others elongated, like the giant soap bubbles from dipping rings in bubble solution and pulling it along in the air…
Obsidian with love
Soon, a voice told me that I was getting another ‘dagger’, an obsidian one for sexual healing operations… Once again my right hand involuntarily made a rigid spear point pose and took its place vertically at my sternum, pressing hard into it while my body convulsed and my mind went blank for a minute or two. (It was placed alongside the Ruby Dagger.)
It was after receiving this dagger that Yage spoke of an apprentice who I may help, if they wished, with a ‘sexual healing.’ Yage left it to me to intuit whether or not to ask; this did not occur, though I will let them know of this…
Phoenixes and dragons
Following this was a smock made of playing cards, a surgeon’s mask of layered phoenix feathers and gloves made from the stomach of a dragon, though the type was not specified…
Another shamanic aspect was added to the ‘storage’ space of my face: A voice told me that I would have Red Dragon in my nostrils (!) It was demonstrated to me through mildly snorting outwards, that this was the activation ‘key’ for the Red Dragon Medicine. (It was not specified what this was for.)
A visitor after the river
Possibly for a second time (?) a glowing quartz jaguar skull showed up in my throat chakra, no other details arrived as to its purpose. (And I did not feel that it was emanating totem ‘specifics.’)
I found myself laying down next to Yage by/on a riverbank: She congratulated me on my keeping of my promise so far as no kissing or sexual activity while ‘connections’ still flowed… She requested that I snuggle next to her and rest, be at ease with her, etc.
I believe that it was at this scene that Tobie showed up in my experience and did a procedure on my upper body near my collarbones, reinstating that I no longer needed ‘this’ (? ~ I did not see what ‘this’ was.) In her healing procedure she was pouring into me rose crystal or was working with ‘rose energy’ to facilitate.
It was the first time that I’ve experienced another ‘being/spirit’ connected to a living human being enter my experience-zone in the electronic form: (Although the wind effects of Luco’s leaf fan did enter my Hades experience in C.5)
I had the revelation that she had been working through this dimensional modality for some time… I do not recall that she specifically said anything else, only that her heart’s intensions and technical procedures towards me were clearly communicated in inner-meaning-dialog.
Turtle token
Mid-ceremony note: The vision of the turtle head as living, i.e., a living part, a part as a whole) as my shamanic ‘pet’. I was told that it was not specifically a ‘tool’ for sexual healing… That its medicine-application would unfold later, that its aspect is ‘Indestructibility.’ (The voice also explained the salesman’s odd behavior in giving his sales pitch by throwing it on the ground and standing on top of it to show me that it was ‘well worth it’, as I was haggling over a 10 sole drop in the price (that I got); the voice explained that this ‘show’ was a communication from the shamanic realm.
Yage said that she’d permit me to have a tattoo of the turtle head on my chest “right where it was” (in that physical moment) as I lay in bed with it on my sternum: there was an additional detail saying that the turtle was associated with Mermaid Medicine… There was a point where I felt its etheric body exude itself outwards from the skull…
God nap
Tonight (something I’ve never experienced before) I had a distinct sense that God was asleep! Maybe Thursday is his truer ‘Sunday’?)
Goddess of Ruin
Near mid-ceremony I experienced myself laying inside the Goddess of Ruin; I could feel her silhouette/galactic consciousness embracing all abandoned buildings, uninhabitable regions of mankind disasters, graveyards, etc.
The distinct sensation of a vast application of fertility emanated from this embrace…
Ten Holy Skeletons and
Mermaid Medicine: Their ocean is you.
Towards the point in the ceremony when yage told me that the peak of the experience was nearly upon me, suddenly ‘the’ Ten Holy Skeletons (this title was given to my consciousness-knowing) showed up near my head.
These were 8-10 inches tall; a voice told me to submit to whatever would occur, I relaxed deeply as my core-joy emanated like a heartbeat…
I sensed that the top of my skull was taken off, as they began to busy themselves with shoveling out residue of my past, details, emotions, opinions, i.e., echo-materials: I could sense and partially envision them with shovels, throwing out sludge, rubbage, sweeping material, etc. Others were going through filing cabinets, some were sowing/stitching, cutting, operating, etc.
[Later, as I went downstairs to shower and sit in my bed/mosquito net, I would surprisingly sense them still riding on top of my head doing their labors!]
As they cleared out the debris they began moving in pallets of bundled gemstones, packing my head with these…
Soon, the plant spirit Ia Umaa (who I vaguely recall as being outfitted with large fairy wings, having an indistinct body, and the color green having some connection to its structure) showed up in the context of this project, she made love to me…
Suddenly a voice spoke simultaneous to the vision/experience of my head filling with ocean water, as baby sharks, dolphins, etc., were spotted appearing therein…
The voice explained that this space was being filled with the means to support Mermaid Medicine, that the baby mermaids were the children of Ia Umaa and I… There was a subtle implication that my inner thoughts and how I dealt with them via a conscious link to my conscience would be part of these babies ‘food’, raising, etc.
Soon the voice told me to go take a shower and that an alphabet was on its way to me… I said “goodnight” to Taylor and Luco, briefly experiencing seeing rainbows sprouting from her; I told Taylor about this vision and said that she was their mother.
Going downstairs I was still very deep in the medicinal zone of Aya and my body unusually, deeply hot: I went into the shower as The Ten Holy Skeletons continued to do their work. The sensation of the cold shower was different for the first time since I’ve been here, whereas I felt that it was cooling off my skin, though ‘I’ was not in it…
I went to my bed, carrying with me the newly acquired turtle head, my mojo-bag, journal/pen, Ipod, water bottle and headlamp… A voice told me that this would be the first time that I’d be setting up a Mesa of sorts… I did this and began to draw out (A-Z) a mermaid alphabet: soon would follow two different talisman drawings for female and male sexual healing (specifically).
Also, after being shown how light and gemstones can assist in healing chakras, a list of 7 gemstones/stones came to me, each specifically for individual chakra application. [This transmission was a little ‘bumpy’ and I will try to reinvest in it again, to further clarify its precision(s)]
A note: The alphabet phenomenon were as a small spider crossed my lap in bed I had the distinct message to squash it; in doing this it immediately transferred (in image-essence) to part of an alphabet character!
Battlefield snowflakes
It was near this place in the ceremony that I was shown how Tobie and I had crawled/traveled across the battlefield of Earth to find one another! The sensation was that we started at opposite ends of this ‘field’ and met in the stillness of its reconciled ‘middle’: An awesome sensation of vision.
Holy Reservoirs and purges
Tonight I was shown and told by a voice, once again, about the liquid crystal that Tobie and I would produce for the crystal orphanage palaces… And that the plant spirits would ‘Move Heaven and Earth’ to bring us together, that we’d grow old in our service… There was another revision of our son being a ‘Prince in the medicine’, specifying that this would occur at an early age… Aya further taught me details concerning Holy Sexual Expression, etc.
An event occurred after the reintroduction of the liquid crystal subject: I became ‘A Holy Reservoir’, a container for this crystalline substance… Envisioning myself* as a large dispenser, available to Celestial Beings, angels, etc.
*There was a subtle thread of a message that Tobie shared this ‘title’ as well.
There were three purges tonight; two of these were from misc. energies sent to me via a person in the U.S., another from the healing I had done on Tobie… Tonight was also a first in that my planned healing of Tobie occurred ‘behind the scenes’ as her arrival and healing me was seemingly a precedent…
While riding back on the boat, taking Tobie’s advice, I asked my fingernails what they needed to grow stronger: The word I received was ‘Magnesium’.
Yage told me not to worry about a friend of mine who is having a difficult time in the U.S., that Yage was working with her, etc.
The subject/occurrence of Face-entities came to me this night, though they did not manifest visually (?) I do not recall what they were associated with.
Putting in the Grizzly Bear eyes: laughing to myself after wondering why my vision was so strange, i.e., that I had forgotten they were in…
I was prompted several times to lay within the Black Egg though did not.
The vision of a jewel-instrument for the applying of the ‘light method’ to heal chakras. The idea came to me to construct a diamond-emerald ring with my friend’s gifts to me, instead of putting them into the turtle skull…
Repeat? ~ I received a message during a past ceremony that there are chakras in the knees (?)
I believe it was Yage who instructed that I could teach art in Peru, here in the village and possibly get a grant (?) The grant idea may have been an afterthought of mine.
Yage telling me that my mother is a manifestation of her.
Sending Love/healing energies, thankfulness, etc. to those in the room, my parents, step-mother and brother, Grandmothers, forgiving those who have hurt me, etc.
I believe it was the next morning while I was still experiencing the ‘effects’ of the medicine that I had the epiphany that the Egyptians ‘Arts/Crafts of Death’ (decorating, elaborate tombs, etc.) may have been the ‘mirror image’ of a living tomb in another dimension, that they were celebrating (being in) Death’s vestment of a deeper living and bountiful astral lifestyle via under the tutorage of a similar teacher as Yage, (“To die before you die.”) Their handling of the Death-tomb also reminded me of the Titanium skeleton vestments of recent, that their golden tombs depicted the portraits of their newly acquired immortal Galactic bodies, entombed in an eternal cocoon of endless expression and flight…
Real love flirts with itself.
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