November 3, 2009
The soap that washes soap.
This was the first ceremony of its kind for me: After drinking a half cup tonight (Luco recommended that this dose-amount was ‘best for me’.) I sat back and waited; during these five ceremonies the apprentices were seated up front with Luco and Meghan, i.e., Tom (visiting for this five ceremony session), Taylor, Jeff, Paul and myself.
Soon I felt the Sanango enter into my muscles and nervous system… While waiting I was experiencing the group in various stages of their purges (Since there was nearly twenty people in the CH, many were already well into their purges before myself and the others drank.)
Somewhat like before the medicine took awhile to open ‘the door’. Within 20-30 minutes I was getting the message to lay down on the mat (one of two stationed behind our row of rocking chairs) so that Yage and Sanango could do their work…
Once laying down, it took little time until I found my consciousness submerged very deep electronically, far down into my being-astral realm (innerly): This inner dimension had a cosmic atmosphere, as though my ‘inside’ was also the endless ‘outside’, Space, etc.
Notes: That friendship is the highest art form; that much of art is a placebo concerning the desire for good, unconditional real friends.
My step-brother Chris; this issue or psychic connection showed up early on: I committed to Yage and him to be a better brother, i.e., to find out from him how we can build a greater relationship.
Sending healing love-spheres out to my Mother, Father, Step-Mother and Brother; feeling somewhat reminded to thank Sanango too…
{Pre-notes: Following along with Luco’s icaros… Using the mica stone again… Further healing of my sex chakra, the left side’s ‘thousand year wound’ and more acupressure on my chest… The full moon headache and putting the mica stone on my head to assist in drawing it out.
In the depths I received a message concerning the story a newcomer shared with me: Yage began an incredible instruction connected to this person… Humming along with Luco and Meghan, clearing out gray ‘daily energies.’ A brief healing session towards my friend in CA while in bed after ceremony. Going to the river at 2:30 AM, (Paul, myself and Tobie). Seeing the largest ring around the moon that I’ve ever witnessed.}
The immersion into the astral realm was very brief considering previous ceremonies (tonight’s was 40-60 minutes), though the depth and result of this level being reached was so significant that I feel very different about time-lines today, i.e., the definition of time or that quantity of minutes equates with quality and depth of the lessons given/learnt.
As I lay on the mat my vision of the external world became highly detailed so far as Shipibo designs and others, yet too, this was different, the designs this time were somehow indigenous to the depth-realm I found myself in and the context to the information Yage was imparting to me concerning a person in ceremony who had shared a very personal story with me earlier concerning a friend of theirs that they had healed…
Yage opened my intuition up to a message that this person (and implied that I needed to give this message to them alongside/prior to the healing I was to possibly perform) should not spread this story, that it was infectious or somewhat viral-to-the-soul. At one point I experienced purging the story’s effects on me while going to the bathroom and received a further intuition on how to be more clever in being able to cease the unfolding of such dark-transferences before they get too far unhinged from the speaker, i.e., to better foresee its arrival…
I symbolized tonight’s immersion as ‘diving for pearls.’ Once there Yage began to share with me that this person’s sharing of the story was an ‘effect’ or result of there being some-thing in them, i.e., transferred over by the person who ‘got it off their chest’ towards this listener/practitioner.
Yage continued to say that there was something to be removed from this person… Right now the sequence of events is vague, though I sense that the empowering occurred simultaneous to Yage’s instruction concerning this person’s condition.
Gloves of love
While laying down on the mat, I held my hands up to my vision and began to see them deepen into a background-less depth containing symbols, diagrams, etc. Many were ‘styles’ that I’ve never witnessed before.
On my hands appeared symbols of the alchemical discipline, crescent moons, stars, spirals, etc. Also there was a sort of language/hieroglyphs superimposed over them that reminded me of the Seals of Solomon, the scripts depicting the names of Angels, etc. Looking deeper into my hands it was as if they were also peering into me, alive with a blossoming purpose that I could not yet entirely conceive of…
Yage began, as these designs continued to surface and reintegrate into obscurity, to say that I was being given the gift/ability to remove lesser demons/shades (‘shades’ was not a word she used) from people, reminding/instructing me to be very careful with this new ability, etc. The oncoming surfacing of gratitude and awe for this gift was heart-wrenching (in an ecstatic way).
As I peered into my hands I saw in between them (as they were involuntarily taking on a sort of prayer-hand ‘posture’, though each being a cupped/concave shape) a black space filled with stars, other diagrams and symbols that I’ve no words for: It felt as though my hands were being outfitted, woven into by some other dimension’s teaching, attributes, etc.
It wasn’t that a particular entity (or even Yage) was transferring this over, instead, it felt as if the ability to exorcise these forces was similar to gaining the knowledge in a kind of medical school, though the knowledge was not intellectual, it came in the form of pure effect, pure ability and potential, though not an open-ended one where some ‘personal interpretation’ or ‘style’ could develop.
Yage instructed that she’d show me what to do and that people would come to me (not I to them). I recall being told that I was to remove this ‘shade’ from the person and send it “not to hell, but into love.” The immensity of divine-ness that was pouring out of my hands was overwhelming to some degree, i.e., in the context to wonder, surprise, gratefulness and wisdom!
My hands, for a brief period of time, also began communicating to one another somewhat outside my consciousness to ‘know/be involved’…
It was an incredible witnessing to watch as this ‘sheathing of another realm of craft’ took place on my hands… A deep, unfathomable, quiet, majestic-ness blossomed, disappearing/integrating into the holiness of a sort of ‘birth from my hands’.
Soon, while in the stages of after-ceremony (though I was still partly in the astral zone) I told the person what Yage said to me about not spreading the story they’d confided in me to others and that I sensed it was an indication that some-thing was speaking out, trying to tell/express its story through the shock aspect of the event’s details, etc.
Later into the conversation we agreed to go into the Main House to perform the healing: Afterwards they told me that they’d not realized how heavy their left side was until the ‘lifting’ was finished…
Notes: touching the upper tip of the pelvis and pulse at the wrist simultaneously: Transference of energy and aspects of love, attention, empathy, humility, benevolence, etc., slowly poured into the ‘body.’
The drawing-out-gestures, amazingly intuitive and no thought; feeling the subtle presence of Yage and possibly another (?)
The ultra-slow carrying out and moving ‘it’ towards the path/portal of Love-destination… No visuals, no communication from the shade, while only one word entered my consciousness as I felt it drift out, ‘sadness.’ (Its ‘house’ was on the left side of the body.)
The left hand and near the solar plexus… Yage telling me that the healing is to be done after ceremony, i.e., when those leading it are completely finished, etc. That it did not have to be performed ‘in the zone’ and would work at any time. There was also an implication that it was left to my own discretion and theirs, etc. Sensing the cosmic-essence of carefulness and subtle-ebbing of mindless presence saturating this procedure…
Taking a shower afterward and soon going back to the CH; leaving the person to spend quiet/personal time, no conversation after the procedure…
A vague recollection, that the manifestation of the Headdress of Love unfolded/birthed during this healing session…
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