November 19, 2009
Suckling at God’s ankle nectar.
God, allow the strength to flow through the paving of this pen’s most Holy and High patience with the flesh perusal of your manifest blessings so to record my final birth and resting place at your multi-fold chest-palette…
This ceremony was dedicated solely to T.: Luco poured me a half cup. Upon drinking, the signal that the Sanango was going to be very potent rung deep… Within 20 minutes I was saturated with the astral door’s welcome… I was told that I would receive a walking stick and a top hat this evening; also, that tonight would be Part 2 from last night’s time in the Love-rite with Yage.
Golden Skeleton Perfume
Diving deep, the catacombs of Love burst open, swallowing my endearments whole, lighting my resolute joy, hailing me, celebrating that, as I was tempted by the flesh via ‘Yage-apprenticeship circumstances’ several weeks ago, I succeeded in going beyond this temptation, as Yage commented, “Like you always do.” Tonight I sent ten healing spheres to Jamie, Jeff and Luco, giving out thanks to my father, mother, step-mother and step-brother, Luco, Aya, et all.
I was told that these shamanic transformations (the purge, revelations, shamanic/wisdom acquisitions, etc.) were effecting my entire family generation (manifest and un-manifest); visions and ‘communications’ from my Grandmothers (Grandma Sue and Eakin) came to me, wordless, though emotionally rich with ‘meaning,’ depth of pride, joy, celebration and dance…
A repeat/reminder/continuation of its use (?) i.e., receiving God’s Bar of Soap, for healing… The intuition/message was that I could invest any bar of soap to become this modality of shamanic cleanse… I was told to keep this in my right pocket…
Lover Doubt
I went to the restroom 2-3 times; purging ‘Doubt’ was one of the main Purge-themes tonight; my crystal clear presence staring out at the floor of my body enduring beautifully… Soon I would experience deep heaves and vomiting, allot of belching and producing a little material from my stomach… Yage told me that I was purging for T., that, although she (Yage) told me I was finished with vomiting and big purges, she did not say that I’d not purge for others that I bring into the Ceremony to heal… She reminded me, “This is why I told you to be careful of who you bring to the Ceremony to heal.”
Allot of rinsing out of my mouth with water… As I finished one bout of vomiting I said, “I love you T.” After the second I said, “I still love you T.” The deep connection to purging this material for her was vastly calm, Holy patient and so, so softly a great graciousness to do this for her; my heart dove deep into this ritual of conscious suffering for another!
Yage would come to me and reveal herself, embodying me fully, an immense event! She told me that she was the thunder, the clouds, all, all… I sensed that she was expressing her ultimate rule of the body-sheath of Earth, i.e., those aspects she has in this Earth Realm through the Body of the Medicine… I vaguely recall how she manifested this to me (and it’s awkward to try and write it out in words). Yage tonight: Lightning bolts, electric hair, a giant alien-ish body, dark, a reptilian goddess and a throne somewhere nearby too… She told me that we were merged for eternity and that my blood was her blood.
Galactically careful with Choice
I found myself standing in another dimension with Celestial children, teenagers, etc., standing around me; they told me that they depended on me, that they lived by my Holy acquisition of Choice… The intuition to be careful, so Galactically careful with Choice was bottomless-ly immense, the depth!, more ancient than Age, the possession of this role of Chooser… This episode was linked (I believe) to my call and decision to move to T. as soon as possible…
The Shipibo designs were immense, my vision sensitive, the Sanango was fire dancing through me!
At one point, I believe it was God who poured Black Rubies into me, filling me…
Soon the Walking Stick revealed itself as an actual giant insect-walking stick and the Top Hat was presented as a Black Crane who had willingly shape-changed to form this… I was not told what these were for.
My smile broadened throughout the night, especially at the news of Part 2 from Yage…
Luco was without a Chicapa tonight, so the Ceremony was oftentimes deeply-boldly silent as his gentle voice moved around the room…
[While writing this in my journal, the lantern glass just fell off and broke, a beautiful icon to be at this desk! The un-contained flame writing this account!]
Night Knight
Suddenly I found myself face to face with Night, she had come to love me all over! I remember so! Her body was long, a giant lion-like torso; its underside was covered with hanging bats, thousands! While upon her back was a burning white or transparent cape/field of fire: I do not recall getting a full picture of her…
I was told that her speech/mind operated in the aspect of Whispers, that all whispers contained her essence… She loved me deeply, off and on throughout the night… As I write I recall that she manifested as a fox at one point; too, that when my mind was distracted momentarily she shied away, becoming ‘turned off,’ I begged and moaned myself for her to return, she said, “I will, but on my terms, my way...”
Note: That Night communicates in whispers… Her mind is made up of all the whispers of the world, the quietnesses… That she is ultimately connected to being quiet… I sense that Night endowed me with something though do not recall what specifically (?) Drinking her blood may have inoculated me from… (?)
Oh, and the return, the ecstatic embrace and I her lollipop! I was filled with her essence and she served me her blood to drink to soothe me after the initial purges/vomiting (I was still in the C.H. at this stage). Throughout this exhausting night she’d request that I rise up and kiss the fabric of her dress, surrendering multi-fold (while in my bed).
I believe that moss also may have played a part in her body’s décor. (?)
Also, throughout the night I’d put in and take out several times (3-4) the Eyes of Christ while dark energies tried to penetrate my field, both from T.’s partner and others…
At one point Yage asked me to get inside the Holy Black Egg and said that Night was one who could also be in there with me, so I lay in the egg with Night as Sanango flowed through my astral circuits, looking, whispering, etc.
Night’s majesty was so soft, gentle, the essence of old, yet glimmeringly fresh, ripe, quiet, unbound and so giving! I believe it was Night who would also join me later in bed and ask me to open my mouth as she poured from her sex the waters of The Holy Swamp, filling me to overflowing, as its contents swam and wiggled throughout my inside cosmic fields, running out, gurgling over my cheeks and jaws…
Note: I was inoculated by a spirit this night; this may have been the result of Night’s swamp pouring into me (?)
Holy Page Turning
The transition from the C.H. to the Main House is vague; I recall Yage demanding that I come to her, and though she had mentioned several times the subject of my taking a shower, changed her mind, waiting till deep into the night for this (between 2:30 and 3:30).
Throughout the evening many of the spirits would have me get into prayer-act, the Holy Beggar Position (kneeling and my hands in the position of an empty bowl sitting on my lap.) Repeat?, being titled, ‘The Holy Beggar.’
I pulled several ‘contaminate strings’ out of me this night (3), turning them into smiles and sending them on their way with Love and Forgiveness-Fulfillment blessings.
While sending the spheres of healing to those drinking this night, Yage asked me to send, “Tens of thousands” to her and I did this with the brief activation of my Second Chakra waves via my solar plexus ‘pulses.’
Several times through the night my left hand would posses the guardianship-claw-pose of the Tiger or Jaguar while my right hand’s fingers took on the curled, double-fang-position of the Cobra (The Black Cobra).
Early on I called in the Black Falcon, Bear Totem, Hawk, Owl and Octopus in my stomach to assist me, to settle in and be my watchers… Night would stay near me throughout, visiting me lovingly 3-4 times…
Green Welcome
Soon something very amazing occurred, a voice told me that my spine would be a/the Green Cobra; I could feel it moving from my root chakra upwards, rolling, surging its thick massiveness upwards… Soon it made it to the back of my head and bit the inside of my throat! It possessed my vision field, hovering around my head, fanning its oval headdress… It (a voice) told me that I would have Green Cobra Eyes permanently, that these did not come out (some kind of astral lens?)
Red Welcome
On this night I’d receive a pet, a baby Red Dragon that I vaguely recall being asked to keep in my left pocket, opposite to God’s Bar of Soap. I would also be plugged into a vast conduit, entering the side (horizontally) of my esophagus… This surging reverse vacuum revealed itself as being the inception of a furtherance of Dragon Breath through my throat and mouth [No longer exclusive to the nostrils.] (I believe this was specified as Red Dragon Breath.) I experienced the sharp sounds of hissing and growls, hot breath and fire gargles!
Elves and a Giant
I would experience showing up in a forest, laying on the floor of it, being attended to by elves, they were taking out my intestines, wringing then, tearing and splicing them back together, squeezing out the contents: Very busy, soft and visually-visceral-amazing! This went on for some time, possibly up to five minutes.
At one place tonight my head felt so worrisome that the Headless Giant (a tree spirit) would briefly possess me to bring calm: The galactic Bear Totem Guardian would also lay its big paws on me… The manifestation of the Black Falcon was awesome, as usual, so magnificently assured!
Completely Clean
Soon I would visit the Main House, still thoroughly deep in the astral realm… Here is where Yage would take further hold, changing her mind about the shower timing and send me to lay down, plus, to first search out for my Ipod… Soon I was laying down, being soothed by Night and Yage. My experiences in my room/bed were immense, so, these accounts may not be in total order…
As I lay much would be presented to me prior to the night’s and my life’s most awesome revelation to date… A category of ‘final revelation.’
Prior to the final revelation; here is where T. also showed up, deep, deep sensual dances!
God Gifts
God presented me with his Green Gardeners Gloves with smiley faces… I do not recall their specifics…
Another physical operation/implant of sorts was the acquisition of God’s Ear: This was on my left side, where it was revealed to me that I’d be able to transform others suffering by listening to their stories, confessions, etc. [This rings so true to a fundamental thread of soul-intuition habit throughout my life.]
I received God’s Hands, a deeper level of Healing Touch and vehicle for the deliverance of messages from him to others: On this night God would have me ‘triple promise’ to Yage and him that I’d deliver his message to a crippled man in the village; the content I received was, “I know your secrets.” [I did this today, after walking back from the Internet Café; I stepped to the doorway and found the man laying down on the floor asleep along with another man asleep in a chair nearer the door… I said, ‘Olah,’ though they did not wake… God told me, “Deliver it now.” I held out my right hand and sent the message to the crippled man: God thanked me and I went on my way.]
I recall experiencing, while receiving God’s Hands, the embodiment of God’s actual hand as my right hand laying/held upon my left wrist…
I would also receive the Hands of King James, though no specifics as to what these were ‘about.’
Teeth beneath the Moon
Soon, it was revealed to me that I would be endowed with an ability that I’ve never heard of, i.e., the craft of ‘Ethereal Tattooing,’ tattooing the astral body for empowerment, healing and protection: Soon I found my two forefingers involuntarily going slightly behind my eyes and pressing hard against my skull-socket bones… I was being endowed with the ability to intuit/inner-vision a person’s individual design, to first draw it on paper, then possibly in Henna upon their body (?) The method of application was vague… After this an awesome visit occurred; suddenly a Tyrannosaurus Rex came on the scene; I was told that it would be the/my Guardian of this Sacred Craft… Holy Hot Flashy Seductive Whispers!
The Fossil Collector
Doubt continued to purge through deep yawns and 2-3 visits to the bathroom in the Main House… Soon I would be reveling in the birth of Courage and ‘I Will.’ I devoted myself wholeheartedly again tonight (deeper though) to getting to T. as soon as possible and promised the Spirits, Plant teachers, Yage and God that I would put this into actuality…
A vast field of action-potential opened up as I suddenly experienced my heart connecting with my Presence of Action and Lifestyle; now in full power of knowing what my heart wants and not those worries of the Fossil Collector Mind.
Son of God
A voice came to me; I received Jesus into my heart, a bright vast golden honey light pouring like a solar blast into me… Soon afterward the voice said that I was being presented the highest Galactic Honor, that of being a Son of God. (This took place while I was in bed.) [It may have been that I received the God-tokens/abilities after this honor was bestowed.] So Grateful, so Happy.
While at the Son of God phase, Jesus would tell me that he was never crucified, that it was an impersonator who was, and that impersonation was a sin…
As a Son of God: Laying, opening, blazing with fumed fire, a voice told me that I was now part of the Clan of the White Skinned… The sense was that this literally meant pure white skin, having nothing to do with race, being far beyond Earthbound semblances of Galactic realities… There were no details as to its ‘meaning’ or ‘function’ that I recall…
Osiris-Isis rising
T., her presence in me, the all-atmosphere, my connection to her, etc., was thick in the air. The subject of Osiris suddenly opened in me; I experienced myself as Osiris incarnate and knew (was told from a Galactic distance) that ‘I am Osiris:’ The subject of Osiris with an erection leapt-flashed into my consciousness as the Great and Awesome procreation of Death… This is my sense of it now, i.e., in words…
Isis (T.) showed up in front of me; a kind of Galactic-electronic clap occurred and a voice said, “Osiris and Isis are wed.” or “You are wed, Osiris and Isis.” This was immense, beyond describing here, an electronic field of wonder and mortal-bone-evaporation-good-awe! Throughout the night my central nervous system took a beating, my head quivered, tensed and deeply surged with electricity!
Holy Web-knight
Soon, a Holy Tarantula would show up and bite me: The location is vague, though I believe it was on the inside of my pelvis, i.e., at the pubic bone. I was asked to go into the Holy Beggar position afterward…
And, so lovingly between us (a divine prompting of my space of excitement and slight slumber) Night would constantly show up requesting that I kiss her dress-fabric…
As I lay, baking in the bestowing of the Son of God realm, my courage surged, all doubt disappeared: I believe it was while I was in my room tonight that I also burst out again in the Graveyard as a rainbow entity (?)
Further into this realm-state something peeled away from my eyes, a vast, so, so calm revelation began to descend upon me, of an angelic lineage, a huge whiteness of feathers seemed to hover above me as a voice revealed ever so gently that I was Arch-angel Michael incarnate… My eyes flicked and focused in a way that I’ve never experienced before, this dawned is such slow, patient burning stages!
At one point as I lay surrendered to the inflow of Galactic stories, visits and bestowals, I offered my flesh-body to a pack of Spirit Tigers/Lions to eat; as they devoured it, I would regenerate more spirit-flesh till they were all satisfied…
Soon vestments came, an ethereal tattoo of the Bible opened to its King James-section showed up on my back, i.e., at the topmost portion: A voice told me that I could have a tattoo of it there and to incorporate the preexisting triangle.
I experienced the Eyes of God as a kind of permanent lens… My two-handed long/broad sword showed up as I left the Earth and appeared, embodying a Galactic pair of arms holding the sword upwards, beaming with lightning, cosmic fire, while the blade was ‘woven/interwoven’ into/inside some sort of geometric sign, a kind of pentagram, though much more complex: I would later describe (intuitively in a letter to T.) the sword as, “The Sword of Seraphim Math” and while not really ‘knowing’ what this means…
I was told that I had no sheath for this sword, that it had wings and was perched on my shoulder vertically.
God spoke and presented me with a pair of heavyweight, winged gloves, saying that these were for the exorcism of the Largest of Demons… I was to store (and did) these in my crown chakra.
Soon an immense event descended on me, the landing and integration into my head of the Double-Headed Eagle of God… No details of its context issued… Majestic surrender and gripping, utter obedience to no words…
I traveled deep into Galactic Space and witnessed God’s beauty standing, most Giant of giants, so, so tall, never ending God-head disappearing clarity of where the rest of him was, into the canopy of Galactic Space… Upon this so, so unfathomable size of him were angels, pure white angels, side by side, top to bottom, like a totem of white moths covering a giant two-truncated tree…
These angels had their wings slightly out, overlapping one another’s, so, no underneath-space of God’s surface could be perceived, he was covered with a textile of woven angels all the way around and as far as my eyes could see. Soon the epiphany came to join them; it was here that I suckled upon God as they all were feeding on his omnipresent nectar-body…
Note: At the beginning (angelic-birth-revelation), the sensation of slowly unfolding my vast wings: Bursting out softly. (Write more about the state of after-hatching while laying on the mat via the C.H.) The cat not entirely registering my new presence-field initially… The going back for the jaguar skull later in the morning.
Two Galaxies of We
Isis (T.) was so near, staying with me throughout the night; my enfolding her into my Galactically broad breast of white feathers and her angelic presence manifesting suddenly as a great white Snow Owl: It was here that her magnificence was so great that I astrally passed out, envisioning it in my consciousness’s eyes, a passed out angel!, sprawled out at this great majestic heart feast, her.
A Point
Soon my consciousness would visit Deep Space: There I took on the body of a vertical Galaxy as Isis approached me as one of her own, we merged: I believe it was here that I was told that I’d experience the final opening of my third eye…
As all began to dissolve, my whole history going backwards, from adulthood, teens, child, fetus, idea, to a point in Space and The Point slowly opened, like two eyelids to reveal a drowsy galaxy inside…
Halt Hand Door
It was here that I received the story of the Angel’s fall from God’s Grace: That in God’s House there is a room that is off limits explicitly to all, though it has no locks… The door is made as a large hand in the gesture of ‘Halt!’ or ‘Stop.’ It was Lucifer who opened this door and went in, falling…
Burn it all
God came to me, giving me a choice, I answered, “Burn it all., Burn it all.” Suddenly my head went into an ecstatic deep convulsing, as I witnessed all of my human incarnation history, its psychic importance, weight, reasoning, hooks, etc., disappearing in the flipping lightning speed of God’s flame…
Burning it all: Afterward I exchanged my human mind for World Mind. God said that my mind was officially ‘blown.’ I experienced the Birth to Follow His Will, my heart, directions…
Also, I performed a deep and final Galactic cleanse of my Second Chakra (and possibly root chakra too) using my right and left index fingers pressed deep into my pubic/pelvis area, though it was the right forefinger that produced the Ruby Ray that was pouring its energy in, leeching out all else.
I knelt to the Holy White Vagina and received its milk in my cupped palms; drinking this, there suddenly appeared in my Mermaid Underwater Region a growing city, it looked to be a metropolis of ‘rounded at the top’ cylinders, slightly funnel shaped/elongated, like a sand-drip-castle, though smooth…
I reached out this night to T. in the U.S. and with my newly acquired Heavyweight Winged Gloves removed a demon-baby/child attached to her back. I also blocked and sent away dark-psychic investments from one of her acquaintances and from at least one of this night’s Main House guests…
The demon had the Hades aesthetic; it is amazingly consistent! I additionally did a healing for her partner, moving energies from his heart to his head and visa versa. I sent him cosmically deep well-wishes 3-4 times this night.
There was a point after the Burn it All process that my presence experienced the mind trying to read the writing in the ashes… Several times the Tiger and Cobra came out to send the fixation along its way and to dissolve it. Soon I found myself asking for it to rain and experienced the shower turning the legible ashen-pages to black slush.
Jaguar Medicine
I would go out to the Ceremony House afterward while still deep into my Angelic revelation: I found my cat and took him in the C.H. with me, laying down on a mat at the forefront of the Mesa (no one else was in the C.H.) where I had sit my jaguar skull for a blessing/energizing by Luco. This night it was confirmed that this skull was ‘for me,’ to never paint or wash it and that I could glue its teeth in.
On this night I was not allowed to touch it: It spoke to me concerning how close it wanted me to place my head in its vicinity, it also directed me to place crystals around it and to hold one to my forehead… It bestowed upon me its Jaguar Medicine, though did not specify what this was for.
As I placed the crystal to my forehead a sort of Galactic investment took place and I received the message that I was now able to heal with crystals… I briefly received a vision of a pair of gloves with crystals as the fingers, though no instruction or sense that these were being presented to me.
I was dove deeper and deeper into my angelic consciousness solidification, as the Jaguar instructed me to keep holding the quartz crystal prism/rock (a natural obelisk shape) in my hand.
It was then Celestially revealed to me that it was the Sacred Crystal Phallus of Osiris and that I was its keeper; vaguely I recall that it may be used as a shamanic tool though do not recall any specifics being revealed.
My cat suddenly sensed something in the C.H. and took off quickly to hide: It was truly scared! I walked around and found some kind of malevolent creature crouching near one of the Ceremony house posts and shooed it away with what I recall was a Flaming Heart with its tongue sticking out or one of the blazing golden Eyes of the Virgin Mary on my palm… The cat suddenly ran towards its exit point, standing and looking out at its departure.
Throughout the night I was prompted to burn my yawning purges with the Blazing Hearts with their tongues sticking out, embedded/manifesting in each of my palms.
Bleeding to Life for Love
At one point in the night (possibly after the Son of God endowment) I experienced a somewhat perplexing emotion, as I began to psychically bleed out from my crown chakra all of my body’s ‘blood:’ A voice told me that I was being leeched and my blood replaced. Here is where the inoculation-phase may have entered in (?) The context of this bloodletting was that it was a sort of crying-blood-celebration of my love and dedication to Isis (T.).
I would also use my diamond hands to assist in the calming of my stomach.
Was told that tonight was the final cleanse of my bowels; (psychically, energetically, this night only?)
Informed that riches would come to me, that I was the fore bringer of God’s kingdom on Earth: That I was forever finished with this incarnation-series, or incarnation-wheel, process, etc.
I experienced reciting the Lord’s Prayer, though a slightly different version. Also a kind of clicking/humming began to an Icaro, though feel too that it was most likely being momentarily born from my Ipod’s muse, i.e., a shaman that I listen to the most.
Yage would not visit me sexually tonight; this night was exclusively ‘dedicated’ to Night and Isis.
The perception that all ‘templates’ (my particular human-habit programs) had been burned.
The Galactic intro./birth of Courage; the complete eradication of Doubt.
The Holy Promise that I will come to Isis.
I was told that Yage would love me like ‘this’ throughout all my ceremonies from now on… Making the choice to stay in the Medicine as an incarnate Arch-angel…
The snuggling with Isis: Her treatments of me all over… The deep Galactic Insatiable surrender: Eternal that-play.
Isis’s particular relating to me as my Angelic transformations smoldered and solidified…
The new ‘Intros’ that have come to me while addressing my friends in letters, particularly when writing their Holy-perceived-names.
Meeting with God’s Ruby Ray, mine to his: Being invested with the ability of the God Ray, though no specifics about this…
Today is already yesterday.
If you think Nothing is right, wait till you meet Something!
From C.31: A phrase came to me, “I could: With God’s Permission.” I intuited/was told that this was a Holy phrase, Most Holy and to share and guard its use in me.
Integration of the Side Winder Serpent in my left arm and another ‘totem’ to my right (?)
Tonight, while I was in the Holy Beggar pose, flowers were put in my bowl and they grew! Beautiful…
Telling Luco that I loved him and Jeff that I will miss him and that he is deep in my heart at the beginning ceremony hour.
Sensing/being ‘poetically’ caught in God’s barbed-wire fence like a haphazard, near sighted, love-drunk lover. (Something that occurred to me coming back from the market the next day.)
The note about the consumption of the sexual seed.
The astral lovemaking was the most intense yet via Isis! Envisioning her as a plump filled satiated love-mosquito/fairy-insect-like being… So otherworldly gorgeously endearing!
During the Arch-angel section: God mentioning that I am among his favorites…
While in the jaws of a Jaguar or Snake, being consumed, then inside its body, digested, pooped out and I AM. (Possibly a C.31 overlay-event recording itself here.)
Early on, while in the early stages of being in my bed after Ceremony, I experienced myself as a griffin-fledgling.
Repeat; to link with a previous ceremony? There was an aspect that introduced itself (possibly the cell-bars-mask?) that was said to protect me from all Oriental black magic,
specifically oriental…
I pronounced T.’s new name throughout the night/morning… Conjuring, yearning…
God told me that bodybuilders have no psychological problems connected to their thirst/obsession with big muscles, that they are just trying to look like him.
During this night there was a foreshadowing that I may be walking in the Valley of Death next ceremony so to acquire information about someone (?) The Boots of Woven Wheat also came to my consciousness since these were endowed to me for walking in this valley…
Was told to work off my debts first and that money was coming.
Experiencing Isis as my Holy Golden Skeleton next to me.
Vision of mass healing of others…
Shortly after the Arch-angel revelation I was told that I was “Completely Clean” (interpretation?) Later in the night, also after the Final Revelation, Yage said, “You may go on with the medicine as you see fit.”
Feeling my heart-field/chest expanding: Throwing out my old metal rib cages.
Dancing to Bob Marley and being told that he was the Goddess of Love incarnate… The sense to purchase all of Depeche Mode’s works. A vague feeling that was also given to me concerning Bob Marley’s status was that there are many ‘goddesses’ of love, like a clan or guild, i.e., that he was one of many, though an equally strong sense was that he was ‘It.’ (?)
A message to a visitor named ‘Jamie’ from Yage was that the marijuana spirit is not malevolent or dangerous, that it is only as ‘dangerous’ as the person is, that it is a sort of magnet, attracting to the surface what is already there, to be healed, seen, revealed to the Healing Arts. My sense from Yage’s conversations was that it could be used as a Shamanic Looking Glass, i.e., in conjunction to a Master Plant Teacher like her. (?)
Being at the Steps of Yage’s Throne!!
It is possible that Night was a great sized fox (all along), depicted as I earlier noted…
Sanango’s roots descending into me. My saying, ‘I love you Sanango.’
The deep connection that my consciousness has been many ‘coats of flesh,’ i.e., human, aquatic, alien, etc.
Briefly witnessing the ‘Feasting Ritual’ on a spider’s web/ mandala via the bathroom corner… I was very deep into the medicine and sensed/saw that I was experiencing a Holy dimension of its ‘catch/web,’ and could sense/see another design ‘inside’ the usual everyday one.
The request that I surround myself with crystals, so far as my daily lifestyle and home relics/décor.
Kissing the concrete floor in the C.H., kitchen and Dining Room.
The hand sign of the Virgin Mary: Two vertical hands, one positioned on top of the other, out and in turned top three fingers, i.e., slightly bent forwards. The top palm is facing out, while the bottom palm is facing in, showing its backside, and its fingers are close together, straight, with the middle finger touching the bottom middle of the top palm…
Breaking bread with God at the Dining Room table.
Playing the Cocteau Twins* tonight during our love-rituals;
most, most beautiful incantations this music!! *(Blue Bell Knoll)
The intuition that I’d be using the Medicine to facilitate astral immersion, building, etc.
While in the C.H. as the angelic consciousness was emerging, experiencing panes of Celestial ‘glass’ lowering around me as a sort of Protective Incubation Chamber!
Feeling that I am ever-hatching, though I am outside the egg… Quiet Deliverance.
Just found a perfect picture of Arch-angel Michael; I’ve never seen this and can hardly believe that it has my Galactic Guardian Totem on it, ummmm!
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