November 17, 2009
Two suns French kissing
God, give me the strength and integrity to remember and record this visitor Bliss.
Unrooted Seeds
The evening started with a very focused aim to heal T.’s son A. and additionally (if it was permitted) her daughter; both who are having family difficulties… Luco poured me a half cup and within 5-10 minutes I felt the astral door fall open (No hinges tonight!) I soon moved to my mat: Yage instructed me to put in the Bear Totem Emerald Eyes… I do not recall hailing any other totems this night.
Yage told me at this beginning that tonight would consummate the final healing of my Second Chakra (sex chakra). I was also told that I’d meet the Dwarfs!
Soon I would find myself deep in Yage’s arms, so close! The breezes coming through the C.H. (ceremony house) screens were her breath… She would give me this night a garment called, “Mail of Eyes”, i.e., a kind of chainmail, though presumably with eyes instead of hollow, metallic links: I vaguely recall seeing it… I do remember its tiny details, the close ‘weaving’ of the links, that they were very small eyes, about the size of a human eye’s pupil…
She told me that there was no where to store it since I would have it on me forever; she continued to tell me that tonight consummated our union forever/eternally… The lushness and grace of her generosity and passion for me was sinking so deeply, softly molten beams of warm light showing through a now semi-transparent leaf, me…
At the early part of ceremony I sent healing spheres to Jamie, a visitor drinking the medicine with us; I also recall sending them to T.’s children, A. specifically: Yage would soon have me taking numerous trips to the restroom (3-4). On the third trip I was told that I was purging an evil seed that had been planted in her son and that I’d feel hundreds times better once this was out; the fourth trip was the final where a second seed, either from the son or the daughter was purged…
Throughout this experience I would be closely guarded by Yage to either ‘rinse my mouth out’ or ‘only swallow a sip…’ Tonight, it, the way I took in water, seemed slightly more crucial than usual…
Add-note to The Chainmail of Eyes: Yage would also tell me early on that I am protected forever by the ‘Chainmail of Eyes’ and her status inside me… Several times in the throes of the oncoming saturation of/by the Entity of Love, Yage would advise me to, ‘Hold my Space, center, breath, etc.’ While in ceremony there may have been a further unpacking of the gem-construction materials, throwing me into a series of inner-head convulsions and body contortions!
A granite-kiss-steaming Rainbow Lover
Yage also ran me through several promises that I had not fulfilled yet, one was a few messages to Taylor (that I delivered today, along with this ceremony’s notes for her too.) While the second was the agreement to go to the graveyard here in the village (Jenaro Herrera) and place a kiss on each tombstone…
Suddenly she (Yage) said emphatically, “You do not have to wait till tomorrow, you can go there now!” This perplexed a section of my physical proximity consciousness for a brief second, then I found myself bursting forth in the graveyard as an ultra-bright Love Rainbow radiating throughout this realm…
The contrast was awesome, the dark browns and somber earth-tones, the stillness/ruminating energies in and around this spontaneous rainbow consciousness birth in the graveyard of my I AM: For a brief time my ecstasy expressed its limitless love and desire, as I perceived making love to skeletons! The inner bliss and divinity of this ritual was other worldly, not belonging to any category of human thought/expression, it was as if I were some kind of tuning fork of God being rung out in this graveyard needing Love unabashed, unhinged and licking its prison door like a disappearing lollipop!
I also gave thanks to Ayahuasca, Luco, Meghan and all my friends and forgave those who have hurt me, several times throughout Ceremony and in the M.H. Yage had me triple-promise to go back through all of my Ceremony Records via the Blog-postings and to “Remember your gifts.” I made this three kiss promise-pact…
Notes: I am the web the Spider of Love has weaved with its silk!
The Blazing Heart of Love medicine was said to be stored in my fingertips: I experienced these upon all ten.
I had the metaphor-experience of myself as the Worm of Love in Adam and Eve’s apple.
Angel of angels
Suddenly I sensed the presence of something ‘too awesome’ arriving; taking the Black Egg out of my left eyebrow, I lay inside it as this beingness landed on the Ceremony House roof, a great Prehistoric/Alien flying being who seemed to possess geometric qualities as well (crystalline and flesh?), the/an Angel of angels, so wrought with other world mystery that Yage seemed to intuit to me to find psychic/soul shelter!
Clinging to the C.H. roof, it was looking around for something and I sensed that it was not finding it; I radiated towards it vast waves of Love and surrender… Soon it left (Certainly on its own time schedule, and not a flinch of an indication that it noticed me). As I write, its image reminds me most of a dragon, yet many worlds above the mythical fire breathing reptile I am accustom to; this was a sort of being who might sit on nests of new planet-eggs! [Too, I have never read any ancient literature concerning the inner being of traditional dragons either.]
The Mother of Mary’s milk
After it (the Angel of angels) left (I do not recall the transition ‘space’) I lay resonating with the healing wishes towards T.’s children; I believe it was shortly after the purging of the two evil seeds (which were ‘Teasing’ and possibly ‘Yelling’) that an immense event unfolded, so immense that I would be delivered upon its wave for the next six hours!
Suddenly Yage began pouring streams and streams of her milk onto me; the bliss of this bath is/was beyond words… I lay surrounded, soaked, bathing, being lapped up by the milk! Love poured and poured, beyond human bliss!
A cosmic-level of sensation opened up, all limits fell away, no barriers, no mind, only the consciousness upside down umbrella-I collecting her love rain; she would set a time later, after ceremony, saying that this night we would make love as never before (something to this magnitude)…
A Pile of Gold Teeth
The ceremony rolled and rolled… I visited a Galactic Knowledge Guild or Center where they showed me their flag-icon, which was a pile of gold teeth; I was told that this symbol came about since knowledge belongs to no one, that it is all from God, that we experience it, though it is not permanent, nor ever finished, that here Nothing is all, no more words, no more arguments, debates and competition:
The gold pile of teeth symbolizing the human’s surrender and vast Holy service to the celebration of God’s unspeakable origin, from whence Knowledge derives (My sense of it in my words here, now.)
Love’s clear patina
Soon the tempo of Love stepped up from Yage’s love and effervescent milk to an ascent and full blown embodiment of Love itself; Yage spoke to me so directly, very close-to-the-ear, saying, “You are the final landing place of Love.” She said this several times as Love literally landed on me, an invisible etheric being, although later I would experience making vast love with the Goddess of Love, the originator of my Headdress of the Goddess of Love!
More than clarity
I went to the water station to fill my bottle prior to going inside the Main House and was told that it was the Blood of the Virgin Mary; the voice also instructed me that I could tell others about this ‘transformed liquid’ though did not have to: I scanned the area and sensed it was not the appropriate time…
I drew the Reiki sign (the same from C.30) 3-4 times tonight in the air: At one point I experienced its submersion into my sex/pelvis and neutral/silent integration…
Towards the end of my stay in the C.H. my astral body lifted out, turned backwards and ran into a collective mass of Voodoo, which was hovering around behind me; an awesome astral surprise to say the least. As it hovered near me, my body took on an involuntary stance of Holy Communion, while some other spirit shone through my eyes, some-thing that I sensed was a being radiating the Most Holy Feminine, possibly the Virgin Mary or a Saint (?) My left hand took on the posture of holding the index and middle finger up, side by side, while the other three were brought together to form a sort of tripod-pinch, while my right hand held up its palm as if to indicate a halt or Stop-sign… I stayed in this pose for 1-2 minutes as this haunting presence passed away.
Dr. Love,
‘Come to me, I am ready.’
On this night I heard Luco singing at least one Icaro that I’ve never heard before; I sensed that there may have been the birth of another icaro (new) this night (?)
Yage mentioned that a shower after ceremony was in order; soon I found myself deeply intoxicated as The Final Landing Place of Love, walking through the Main House’s hallway, my head wobbling like a giant heart faintly attached onto my shoulders… (The image of an automobile weeble-wobble came to my mind.)
While in ceremony I experienced having access to a refrigerator full of beating hearts! Also the proclamation that, “Tonight, tonight I am Dr. Love.” Yage’s milk flow lasted at least 30-60 minutes in the C.H., thoroughly drowning me, immersing me fully in the white oxygenated Love-milk womb; I was ripe, so ripe for her picking…
As I entered the house I was ablaze with wet drunken love-nectar dripping, rolling me around in its mouth and sex, the height of bliss that reigned upon my body as if I were a phallic throne was limitless! It burned and burned all night, keeping me on an Astral Chakra Climax Peak, a roller coaster stalled on the tallest dive point for 4-5 hours!
Three quarters of this night’s experience would happen in the Main House, between my lengthy stay in my bed and the Dining Room…
As I lay in the C.H., I heard Yage say, “Come to me, I am ready.” I rose up, put on my shoes, located my headlamp and went to take a shower… I vaguely recall the psychic residue draining off of me from the healing performed on the children of T. and washed myself with the soap T. had gifted me, prior to her last days in Peru…
Note: I was ripe, so ripe this night, envisioning myself as a pharaoh-nic potential to turn this small village into a teeming Metropolis of fertility rites and children of God’s eternal bathing! This was far beyond the Greeks!
The Love was so immense that at one point Yage asked me to kiss the porcelain’s coaster and I did: I had entered such ecstasy, that not even Death and Decay stood a chance at not fostering children by me!
The Holy Pelvis
After the shower, experiencing myself covered in Shipibo, crystalline see-through-ish matrixes/designs, I found myself standing at the entrance to my mosquito net covered bed… As I stripped down, I experienced myself as the Holy Sacrament, an offering to an Angel or Deity, the original Fountain of Youth… As I entered, I took along my headlamp and Ipod, being asked to ‘tune it’ to Ravi Shankar…
As I lay down, huge waves of erotic milks, hot running honeys, blazing showers of Love fell through me, like some kind of Cosmic Wind; I have never experienced such depths of bliss and ecstasy in my life… Not all my/the sexual experiences combined could consummate this; it was taking place in an Astral Bed with a Being so seductive and gregariously able to share that my mind utterly disappeared in the vast liquid wetness of this slippery visceral garden, pulsing with a host of lovers soon to visit me, and the Holy Pelvis open to the symphony of Blazing tongued Hearts!
Once I lay down… The sequence of these events is near impossible to order 100% exact, yet the ‘food’ is here to eat! As I lay, Yage descended upon me, asking me to open my mouth, that she was going to pour into me her milk; I did this as my body shimmered, stepping higher and higher into a refinement of ecstasy and crescendo which kept the blackboard of my mind erased as the soft rubbing of the eraser drowned me in its meaning’s dust!
On and on she made love to me, asking me to open my mouth so that she could orgasm therein… Liquid, prehistoric quantities of sexual manna surging through my Astral body, lighting all, limits dissolving the already dissolved, doubling back on itself, licking caressing, diving into my wide eyed smile of sexy-hotnesses! [The Human Body references had disappeared, I was something else, an entity driven to the edge of a Galactic climax and kept there to reveal what lay beneath enduring such Godly-foreplay!]
Suddenly a Tree-spirit showed up and descended upon my sex, making deep, ultra-self absorbed love to me and making it a point to not disclose its identity… (?)
One amazing aspect of this 3-4 hour experience in bed is that while this lovemaking was constant I was also leaving my body and traveling to heal my family and friends!
Smile operation
Laying there I performed (these procedures also intuitively flowing through me) several psychic/energetic operations on myself… One was a nervous-system adjustment in my right arm, another was during a very hot and erotic session with one of the four seasons, I believe it was ‘Summer,’ where as my wet finger probed and rolled around in my unabashed love-mouth, my forefinger went, like a small blunt spear to each end of my lower mandible, i.e., where it is hinged to the skull and pressed hard there, releasing some very old blockages; soon it would move to the back of my neck/base of skull and ‘psychically’ seal up an old physical wound, where as a child I had hit the back of my head on a piano-point/corner. I was told that I had always (since that event) had an energetic leak there, effecting my ability to smile… Soon into the night, I would experience the Birth of my Galactic Smile!
A Hollow Crystal Taxi
At one point I got into a sort of Egyptian mummy pose and could feel a crystalline structure (having edges, like a glass, see-through coffin, though shaped more like a crystal) surrounding me… Suddenly (I had previously willed this travel along with possibly some interpretation by Yage.(?)) I found myself traveling to Ohio, where I eventually got out in a rural area. The exact reason for my presence there would be vague, I recall simply ‘being there’ as a presence in the dark. Soon I was back in bed, though I sensed a part of myself was still there (Ohio) as if my consciousness was connected to my astral footprints and fingerprints!
Blossoming Crossroad
The cotton monsoon
Suddenly I found myself face to face with the Spirit of Winter, she was coming to kiss me seductively; nearing me I could feel the coolness of her breath, her vast hibernating belly of quietness, her ever-virginity pulsating, rubbing over me, plunging into my electric field: I believe it was with her that I experienced such a surge of electronic ecstasy that my body went into a spontaneous back bend as whatever was taking place in my head quivered and shook on the verge of a nuclear blinking out of ‘I.’
Winter asked me to be her poet, to write of her essence, favor, etc. I dedicated myself to her… Throughout these visits there were also immense foreplay bouts, far beyond anything the usual flesh could ever handle, this was an astral love making ritual of a sort I could never have dreamed!
During Winter’s visit, I recall activating my snowflake hands/medicine, showering snow upwards, zoning it outwards, total surrender to her mastery over me and my conscious possession of the male logos, the Galactic pulse, staff of wonder and celebration of the propagation of the Eternal Worship of the Holy Feminine, the Galactic Vagina, God’s girl friends…
Hot Oil Filled Body of Balloons
The next season to visit was Summer, so hot, a desert of focusing on the fact that the only ‘water’ available was ‘on’ and all about the sexual portals; vast, far reaching solar winds passing through me… Soon I’d start looking for my bottle of water, i.e., the Blood of the Virgin Mary; Yage laughed to herself, saying that I was in it now… I laughed at the irony of forgetting my water while entering a molten fire pit of raining a thousand sweet-spot hurricane eyes! I did not leave the bed’s enclosure, the link was finite, drawn ‘As-is’ on the contract of the One and Only moment!
My breathing changed, inhaling desert heat, passing hot air mostly through my mouth and then the nostrils later, as my body was a virtual vat of shimmering sexual stew, steaming; I sensed a sort of astral mist being produced by her vicinity to me, by me, through my sexual center/organ (I could discern this astral mist leaving me, i.e., wafting above my pelvis.) The immense foreplay going on inside my mouth and the waterfalls from her pelvis, showering, filling me… Each rite-session with a season lasted about 20-30 minutes.
There was one point in the evening when I experienced my pelvis as a lagoon, a basin where fairies were diving into and bathing, swimming, chatting, etc.
Mouthfuls of Sprouting Wet Bulbs
Soon Spring would arrive, laying her vastly voluptuous body upon me, sending the ecstasy deeper as her erotic-juice weight bared into me (I was her Forever-couch!), I, an astral-tactile, my body disappeared so far as human reference points. All sexual definition collapsed, the left brain sizzling away in the pan of love, evaporation, condensing, lubricating the gears of an utterly Galactic Rite…
I could sense Spring’s immense presence of birth-giving, her Eternal basket of eggs, her belly swollen with expectant birth, never ceasing an eternal temple of pregnancy! She pressed into me; I arrived at envisioning the Cosmic Vagina above me, as my body became a sort of slippery whole phallus for its play… Cosmic saliva, fields of wetness, yet no yearning, all was satisfaction, yet the Roller Coaster stayed in place, the climax held, as Yage would intervene from time to time to tell me that I was about to climax, though held this news’s reconciliation at bay throughout the entire time, until…
Eternal Christmas
There was a vision (via an astral travel-arrival) of the surface of another planet (Not sure, though I believe this was before the birth of Aeux…) I was told something like, “Your love has created these towers of molten glass.” I saw 50-80 story (possibly vastly taller and broader than Earth-buildings since I could not entirely relate to the scale because I was perceiving it from a distance) cylinders towering, below were tiny cell-like beings working, extracting the glass and blowing Christmas Balls so to decorate what seemed to be a constant land of Christmas (The sense here was that these were indeed, dwarfs and not elves.) I was told that they were ‘my dwarfs,’ very similar to the birth of the Mermaid legion in my ‘head’ via a previous ceremony… I could see their village nestled in snow covered rolling hills with the decorated Christmas trees growing near the towers.
All along, the lovemaking and flow of the Cosmic Feminine was non-stop; I’d arrive back in my body as the scene simply wept with glittery sauces of love!
Steps to Love standing, Flying Still
I found myself connected to my Stepmother and performed two procedures on her using my own body as a ‘container’ for her astral spirit: the first was a head procedure, it was related to her history of head-aches, though I do not recall the context/theme… I do know that there were connections, like large electrical wires dangling, being reconnected and fused… In the second healing I took my right hand and held it over her heart; suddenly a vacuum occurred and I could sense that it was sucking out a vast quantity of skeletons and debris… This ceased and I returned to being in bed.
White Luminous One!
A great White Moth descended upon me, its wings were at least 12-14 feet across and its voluptuous white torso-body being 4-5 times larger than my own… Its feminine sex-entrance hovering over my pelvis, a shinny advertisement of ease with ecstasy-perusals, foreplay, pollinating… There is a sense that the sexual mist issuing out astral-ly from my Second Chakra may have provided some of my lovers with a kind of fertility-status (?)
Smiling miles of strewn out Love-surrender! There was a moment when Yage told me, “Here it comes.” Speaking of the relief of this 3-4 hour peak in my astral sex… Though she still held me longer and longer, as my body wrestled with pure hot air!
There was a place towards the end of this session that T. showed up; we flirted cosmically, though there was no actual sexual act… The immensity of this visit was Galactic! And in its potency of potential as well...
Twin Crucifixions and The Smiling Christ
Suddenly I was transported to another dimension where I saw myself nailed to a cross and T. to its other side, i.e., one cross and two fronts… I was told that the original symbol of the crucifixion was A Smiling Christ on the Cross, that it was a symbol of Divine Union…
Soon this cross began spinning at an enormous rate and then, a nuclear bomb of bomb’s force exploded into a Galactic spray/a huge, ever reaching, thinner than thin flat plane of rainbowed light/energy… Its look was that of Saturn’s rings, though in vivid rainbow colors…
After this, I returned to my body in bed; T. would crawl over me in astral form, dropping pink rose petals into me; I was initiated into the Priestesshood of the Pink Rose… Soon a Flaming White Lotus appeared in my large/small intestines and the sense that there could be a tattoo there came to me; there may have also been a pink lotus as well involved here (?) Additionally, there may have been a guild/hood associated with the lotus (?) The merging with T. was beyond Galactic, her smile radiating through me like a billion trillion caret diamond! Soothingly we rocked in a sort of airy lucrative foreplay, pink rose petals drifting down into me from everywhere! Whispers of promises so deep! I recall sensing that all of my being was simply a collection of Holy Promises to come true! Fields, flowers, trees, animals, beyond, far surpassing the Garden of Eden… The cross may have been the consummate-session/scene of our foreplay to union (?)
One Cage and One Doll
I found myself visiting T. in the manifestation of the Flaming Tongued Hearts surrounding me; she was pictured in a tall metal cage, i.e., the damaged masculine’s ‘Bird in a Cage.’ I held up my hands of flaming hearts and sent waves of having found her as my Twin Flame, my Creation-body Twin, saying, “Be free, walk my Love.” As I held my hands in place and focused with Love and Offering the cage began to dissolve…
Coming back to the bed, I envisioned another friend of mine (V.M.) and asked Yage if she was a God-sister, she replied ‘Yes,’ though this felt a little vague until the tempo picked up and Anne was added to the list; then a voice said (although the first friend and I never had a sexual union), “All of the women you’ve ever made love to are your God-sisters.” A vision of them all grouped around me in another dimension lit up in my consciousness…
It was in this period of time that I visited Taylor (an apprentice here) sitting in another astral dimension ‘meditating’ (a first kind of visit with an apprentice.) I was there to deliver the message that she was not alone... I also received messages concerning her mother and father being her sister and brother, her mother’s birthing of her (Taylor’s) cosmic children as an honoring to Taylor (these cosmic children which are her brothers and sisters in the third dimension on this Earth). And that Taylor was Venus and to focus on her chest, her motherhood energies, health in that area, etc.
I soon found myself with L. (my friend in CA), expressing my love for her: I was looking through her body and saw a broken doll… I said to her, “I will fix your broken doll.” I was given the message that she had been making love so much to her ‘broken doll,’ some sort of trying to subconsciously-medicate its broken status (?)
I also received visions of multiple lovers taking place in this physical, third dimension, though later a sensation of propriety and conscious timing held this far out as an appropriate flesh-manifestation, yet the sense may have been an astral one, having no context of body-expression in the third dimension (?)
You are the planets you’re wondering about.
Returning to the non-stop love-crescendo, I lay and lay in a field of no exhaustion, my astral breath, a cloud of ever-ready masculine prowling… Deep, deep ripeness was in the air, as I smiled, my whole body smiled, my pelvis a virtual blank galaxy swirling with architectural plans for love without separation!
The moment was upon me as my thighs squeezed and my body went into various frozen contortions… Soon the eruption to take place, the pathway to it, opened up in Galactic Space where suddenly I saw an ocean wrapping around a planet, I, sensing all the teeming life on it: I was given the cosmic confirmation that I had given birth to a planet, i.e., [facilitated it with Ayahuasca and all the other lovers?] The planet’s name came out of my consciousness sounding like ‘Axis’, though spelled ’AEUX.’ Note: Throughout these events never did my physical body respond with a climax in the physical world…
Father of My Father
I suddenly found myself in Hell; surrounding me was a three dimensional field of Flaming Hearts with their tongues sticking out, contouring the shape of my body… My initial impulse (prior to this journey) may have been to heal my father, though right now I resonate closer to that I had him in my consciousness; I consciously connected to his field of sadness, his immense missing of his father (who died when my father was 18.)
In Hell I witnessed my Father’s Father rooted to the dry ground as a tree crying streams of tears: I said to him, as I placed my hands straight out in front of me, each having a Blazing Heart with a tongue sticking out, “I am here to liberate you.”
With a sort of magnetic energy, I emanated this pulsing field towards ‘him’ and as the tree lifted from the Basin of Hell, I soared it (the tree) out into Space…
Soon I could see it approaching my planet… Once in its atmosphere, I set it down in the ocean as a sort of first ‘island.’ The tree’s canopy leafed out into a great vastness (300-400 yards across) and this would be my planet’s Tree of Life!
Rigid Milk
(I believe this took place while I was in bed.) The sudden transport/vision of sitting down at a table (Yage’s presence was near) in another dimension; its chairs were tall, very upright black cats (somewhat cartoonish/animated looking… In their center-midst was a bowl of frozen milk (or semen). The cats began lapping this up and it began to flow inside my pelvis (astrally). I sensed this was the final stage of my Second Chakra healing/birth… (Realistic black kittens (and not those of the chairs,) ‘teenage’ sized, were the ones taking part in the defrosting.) Note: Also the chairs may have transformed into the kittens (?)
Galactic Sexy Tigress
Afterward I had the sudden and so-immediate sense that I could go and have a drink of water and to find my cat to cuddle, to take a shower, get dressed and spend time with all this. It was near 3AM as I stepped out of the mosquito net and into this ‘other world.’
I went to the shower and experienced myself as the Galactic Sexy Tigress, something that I also experienced in the shower prior the entrance to the Yage-love-rite… I could sense the feline energy teasing through me, the subtle witness of her emanations behind the shadows of my body’s cells, all walking to the gesture of her swaying tail!
Quotes from the Galactic Sexy Tigress embodiment came to me: “A flea’s ejaculation is cosmically vast.” “Your eyes are God’s gonads.” So much fun with her sauciness and wry smiles!
Manifesting as the tigress while lovemaking… Being sexually approached by the Gemstone Spirit: Brownish gold, similar to tiger’s eye, though not, rhinestone?
After the shower I went and dressed, going outside to look for my cat, I was astounded to find that he, similar to T.’s being in a cage, had been trapped inside the tool shed…
Freeing him, I took to cleaning his bowls, pouring him fresh water and giving him food… As I exited the Main House several times tonight I experienced being surrounded by the field of Flaming Hearts with tongues sticking out… I was still deep in the Medicine of Love’s landing!
I took to the hammock and lay with my cat; soon to be transferring some of the energies flowing through me into him. His body arched, his purring went volumes higher and he began vigorously taking care of himself, then being distracted by large waves of positive energy flowing through his spine and limbs, his chest pouring out vibrations of exotic body/spirit ecstasy, his hair standing up along the distance of his spine, etc. I witnessed his spiritual birth/awakening! And his name (I’ve nicknamed him ‘Chubs’ up until tonight) came to me, it is ‘Sunshine.’
Two Suns French Kissing
Soon, while in the hammock (and possibly when I went to bed later) I experienced the embodiment of two suns Galactically French Kissing; the heat of this loving scoured me, my breath changed, similar to being made love to by Summer, though deeper, more vertically passionate flowing through the middle division line of me. I suddenly experienced the birth of my central nervous system upon my Titanium skeleton from these Suns’ union!
My embodiment of being Love’s meteorite.
I was given the message that I am to work with healing prostitutes: This may have also been a repeat message/reminder or a stray line from a previous ceremony (?)
While in the C.H., touching the Earth/floor with bare hands and sending love pulses into the Earth.
That miracles would occur through me.
It was during this ceremony that I acquired/was given the Eyes of Christ and told that they were to be stored between my eyes.
My experiencing of Holy Abandonment as a sort of Galactic consciousness sliding…
Tonight I received a pair of long (white with red hearts) gloves: A voice told me that these were for assisting in difficult births, seemingly both in the third dimension and astral; these were the contexts shown/sensed.
The sudden deep, deep connection with my Step-brother; my sensing him as my Cosmic Brother… The vast feeling of appreciating him and wishing to honor his constitution and position in this Holy Matrix… Vowing to ask him to be my best friend (I have done this). Connecting with him through the present-image of my right arm, touching it, sending him my deep resonance with this revelation’s landing… (While in the hammock.)
The extraordinary love invested in ‘Sunshine’ while in the hammock. The Ipod perception, its cord being the orgasm ‘material,’ the plug a phallus and its ear buds were the gonads!
It was in the hammock that I felt so deeply masculine-ripe to transform the village into a teaming metropolis: It is also here where I left my body and visited all the females of the village as a symbol-reminder of their duty to serve the Cosmic Feminine, God’s immortality, etc.
I was a honey-well for the Holy Kingdom of Spirit!
Being reminded several times throughout the evening as I drank from my water bottle that I filled via the Ceremony Room, that I was drinking the Blood of the Virgin Mary…
Apologizing to the chicken under the sink…
The evil ‘seeds’ were planted by a father/masculine figure…
Step-brother connection: Best Friend.
I vaguely recall being poured into with vast quantities of diamonds.
God came to me and said that certain forms of sexuality on Earth were Holy Abandonment gone wrong: that mankind was created to tend to the Cosmic Feminine, to acknowledge and propagate her manifestation on Earth… And that all other forms of sexual expression had the potential to be in the service of hailing ‘Her’ other than its opposite…
At one point I recall Yage asking me to ball up in a ball, a kind of fetal position, though do not recall the context (?)
[I may have entered her womb (this resonates today).]
Listening to L.’s Ipod music at the end of the night as I drifted off to sleep: I also brought T.’s emerald and diamond into the bed with me.
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