November 20, 2009
Glory Be To God on High!
To live with myself for an eternity, reconciled and basking in plains of warmly lit snow, Springtime walking with my hand in hers, Night kissing me all over and Summer lounging around my feet as my slippers; this night would develop into the Holiest of purges to date, so far as my being able to interact with the spirit dimension of beings and pull the conscious God-seed resources from myself to smile my way through such demonic realms, a kingdom of contained black interwoven flame-granite and haunted houses as real as you and I, that would eventually contain a little glass of water with a flower in it in every dark spot, each of its previous hiding places… After this night a crane now resides at the bottom of my stomach who has wings of metallic rainbow colors, protecting, watching, cleaning me and itself, radiating God’s palette again and again…
I am the gentle boy of Ayahuasca, the Keeper of the Temple of Fourth Facing Forgiveness, Ledge-lover at the edge of the Hades-Netherworld’s unfathomable girth and sightless horizon, carrier of the Virgin Mary’s Golden Eye, my lighthouse in my left palm reaching out, a mile down into this hell-chasm, and with waves of my Holy spotlight, I am feasting Love, Faith, Hope and Forgiveness upon its solidified clouds of yearning for God’s redemption… Thank you God for this task’s kingdom come! Kissing the ground as you call me to do so…
Son of Suns
Luco poured me a half cup of the newly brewed medicine; surprisingly it went down as smooth as warm milk. Prior to the ceremony I asked (for my friend in CA) for clarification about her plans/guidance in building a spiritual community… [I appreciate you my friend, as you read this, know that my friendship resonates forever. And Isis; as always, before memory was divided into yesterday and today, before love was a word, I to thee and thee to I.]
Beginning a voice told me that I would be purging for my son who is to incarnate to this Earth in my lifetime… My senses opened and dedicated at the introduction of the purge, this evacuation-ritual in service and love for him…
Prior to my purge, Ayahuasca would say that tonight would be Part 3 to last night; I smiled, deeply resonating with her voice and care, while my interpretation of a ‘third night of the similar’ and of her unconditional love would be thoroughly tested…
Also, the remembering of that foreknowledge from the previous ceremony thirty-two that I would walk in the Valley of Death to look for some-thing for some-one, this only came to me far after the event was actualized/lived.
Calling all Cars
Physically this was the longest purge of my life thus far, lasting about four hours of non-stop gigantic guttural heaves and strained, on the edge convulsions from every cell in my body, from Root Chakra to Crown and intermingling them in between, a king’s crown brought under, soaked and tangled in a wildly dancing oak tree who has an underground Galactic itch it cannot scratch!
These purges began in the Ceremony House where, after about 10-15 minutes into the four hours, Luco would tell me to go and take a shower; it was after the shower, while laying in bed that the depth opened up and the medicine began to reveal what I was told was the last remaining dark area (this ‘area’ unknowingly held a plural connotation) in me*… All throughout the night I would (and the medicine) remind myself that this was so that my son would not inherit these evil-seeds that had been carried forward in my Family Tree(s) for an undisclosed period of time…
[*In the past Ayahuasca told me that I was finished with “big purges.” Tonight seemed to prove this contradictory, yet after much soul searching I feel that I was purging while connected to my soul-child (a son, possibly a daughter or both?) So, it could be that these areas arose only in the context to my wishing to bring a child into this dimension-body and that those layers had to be accessed to achieve what Yage has told me several times would be the arrival of a Prince in the Medicine (or Princess).
The wish to purge this material ‘for him’ superimposed over myself changed me, and certainly drove this night into a fury of busyness on part of The Medicine so to clean house before my departure back to the states. This is not to say that these purges were not for me too, they were and ultimately, as I said above, this was the Holiest night with the spirit dimension thus far in my shamanic work and prompted a huge change in my being-abilities to serve Love and Forgiveness to this dimension’s aches and healing.]
Also, revealed early into this time period, was one purge-subject that had occurred in this lifetime of my physical body and spirit that too could carry over to my son if not purged/redeemed, not necessarily having to do with ‘inheritances,’ per se… This would be revealed as a sexual abuse regime involving me as a child of between 4 and 6 years old and carried out by a long ago two step sisters…
The visions and Hades dialog was so very visceral, soul wrenching, as the medicine took me again and again to the bathroom, to first get on my knees, perform the Empty Bowl and Beggar pose and kiss the ground prior to the purging into the toilet...
Huge ‘things’ would be released tonight, buried, living, being-bones, haunted houses, death traps, a Mad Grandmother, writhing sorrow and true-to-life atmospheric/elemental Spookiness, cobwebs and dirty houses, old baby diapers, filth and the haunted spirit-structures of my step-sisters, a murder, corpses/ghosts, etc… Kingdoms (mansions/architectures) of evil, freight-train-sized demons, unnameable creatures, evil hooked-in lung-fairies, dinosaur-like black soot skeletons, etc.
There were times (at the early stages) that I used some of my shamanic elements to help clear the initial dark results issuing out of me, particularly Dragon’s Breath and the calling in of my Galactic Guardian Totem, the white angel winged grizzly bear, then the jaguar, green cobra, hawk, tiger, owl and octopus.
Early on I had my Turtle head next to me as well, as it swam in my stomach in the first stages to add calm and company to the oncoming storm… I also took the baby dragon out of my left pocket and sat it on my shoulder: The Red Dragon spirit appeared briefly, once, so to post guard as something was nearby.
Many times tonight I felt that I may have to call Luco, though as difficult as these death-elements were to pass through, my bright presence and celebration of my God-joy shone through the entire experience, as my consciousness was standing on the middle of a seesaw of two vastly distinct dimensions; one was an ongoing channel of my conscious-building and the sending out of my joy and strength, my resolve, my dignity and fatherhood potential to the world; I am the Father of the World! Fair, contemplative immediately without prerequisites, burning analytical thought and the occupation to make connections in the fire of my immediate Forgiveness; no one is ugly! I am being born again and again as I write this…
This celebration half surged alongside the Medicine’s wrestling with what amounted to my stomach being a haunted house of specters of the most high evil… To begin, the first manifestation was a voice that told me that my step-sisters had sexually abused me, ‘upside down and sideways,’ the pictures and sensations of death-arrival-grief were gigantic, yet, my blazing gold presence stood steady, looking out, as though through a Glass Darkly, a flame in a soot covered lamp glass.
Heart to Heart
After purging for several hours, the purge also moved into an interior dimension, into a sort of spirit-world-purge, where dead things would be presented to me to transmute into live breathing, heart to heart connected venues, seeds sprouting from death-feces… Down and down this dance peeled itself, spiraling around and around, peeling a poisonous fruit until it hit its center, the seeds, my two step sisters’ burial mounds, their haunted tombs deep beneath the earth…
It was here that I would take them, skeletons and all, stroke them, pull them under my angel wings as the Hades circuit surged on, quivered under dispassionate struggling, while too, I was going to the bathroom to purge hatred, scary, demons, long evil trains of writhing dragons and giant demented, anonymous skeletons.
Soon there were flowers at their grave sites, their tombstones glistened with polish and cleanliness; suddenly a Spirit Crane landed on my back and let out a pile of substance, I was directed to consume this and did, soon a voice said, “The crane is now living at the bottom of your stomach to protect you from what enters there (or tries to enter).”
I then saw the crane fly up upon one of the tombstones and spread its broad metallic, gently flowing rainbow wings, embracing my two sisters, as they stood smiling: Soon the power of the Gorilla Spirit would enter me (at least three times this night) as I would beat on my chest to proclaim my position as resolute to be a Right Man… There were also times when the Inner Little Boy in me would prompt me to call up this spirit (the gorilla) and manifest it; it was an awesome incantation of such deep resonance!
Soon the Buffalo Spirit showed up and I saw my sisters riding buffalo bareback: I said, “Ride my sisters, be free.” There was a time in the night (at least 3-4) where Mermaids showed up in my stomach, taking orbs of pain and evil and dissolving them, this helped immensely and I thanked them…
I believe though this event had arrived as a resolution-stage, that, as the next purge-subject introduced itself, there was a crossover and continuance at some point where both purges were moving side by side, an incredible twin-river to experience, being the boat in between their roaring rapids while being held there ‘centrally held in place’ by their opposite streams of direction!
The tensions of the purge were immense, so deep and far reaching, primordial sounds and other worldly explosions of ferocious resistance as the Hound Masters of Hell were being drug out of me: I saw a city of evil rise up (organically having just sprouted and grown into a big city) and purged it, purging a city, a Kingdom of Evil! Throughout the night I’d take four showers, as the ghosts kept coming…
Venus Fly-trap
Tonight, about midway through the purge, as I lay in bed, I had thoughts to call Isis to me, for company: Suddenly Yage would say/suggest that at this point in the purge that I was a ‘Death-trap’ a ‘Venus Flytrap’ and to not call anyone into ‘this.’ I steadied my inner state (holding my space) and waited, riding the purge deeper and deeper…
From an inner looking point of view, my angelic consciousness separated from this ‘body terrain’ and could indeed discern something laying in wait; purging these creatures was immensely exhausting, my body’s throat and sides were sore for a few days after this night…
‘These’ that I sensed were waiting had no specific thoughts/targets ‘in mind,’ simply, that the closest feeling I have right now is that they were being perceived also by The Medicine, i.e., feeling the light of the medicine’s hot lamp beaming, asking God’s final question before the Cosmic Eviction Notice and Boot, “Are you Loving Me?”
There was a definite conscious connection with my conscience in sensing where the purge-mind was, while it worked and writhed under the Grand Rule of the plant spirits… I am a child of God and my nurses are these Gaia-spirits!
Angelic Compass
The next subject was an incredible revelation: As I lay in bed trying to rest from the step-sister purge, I began to get pictures of bones buried in soil, screams, deep guttural cries, shame, rage, fitful cosmic enslavement in petrified anger pounding, an awesome sensation of grief and utterly confusing… A voice said, “A murder by suffocation in cellophane.” Soon this image, the Time-video of the event, showed itself, a man suffocating a young girl in cellophane, this young girl had been me at another lifetime; my angelic awareness awoke, as I stared at this Celestial Portrait of immense, unfathomable rage…
A Family To Breathe Into
Soon it would be revealed that a whole family had/where stuck in a derelict haunted house of hell over this event of murder (the family of the murderer); I purged an Evil Grandmother, mad family members, possibly the criminally insane and I purged my death-body as well (an intuition now).
I entered the House, witnessed the filth, the dirty bodies of these ghosts; these people were awesomely saturated with evil preoccupation, chewing the cud of this past deed for possibly what amounted to an eternity-consciousness of experiencing…
I dove deep into their catacombs, pulling them out and embracing their bones, kissing them, caressing, pouring love, tenderness and the waters of my Galactic Heart Patience into them…
The struggle to transform their resistance and disbelief in my love and care was Cosmic! There was at least once where all of this took itself to Outer Space for a part of the transmutation… [Throughout the night I would also pull things from my fingertips and head, wires and claws, shrapnel.]
I gathered the family together to cuddle against me as I covered them with my left wing… There was also a point late in the morning (this was an All-nighter, all the way up to going to the river at 6-7AM) where I did a kind of angelic clearing of my ‘central axis’ with the tips of my wings: I also used the Ruby Ray and God Ray to sooth and move energies and material in my stomach/intestines…
At one point I experienced the aspect of the Rose Ray; at first my thoughts went to the feeling that I was doing this, though I soon intuited that T. (Isis) was with me performing a procedure, she would do this at least 2-3 times… She would also eventually lay with me, beneath my wing…
The Man
Prior to the family laying next to me, I was given the man who had killed me, he was depicted as a piece of feces: I kissed ‘him,’ planted seeds inside him and these grew, I held him tight as the shape soon turned into a beautiful, healthy, clean young man: He was reluctant at first, I invited him to me, I offered (and he took) a piece of my heart to eat, I also gave him all my aspects of dignity, strength, resolve, etc.
I Forgive
The purge continued as more and more misc. tag-along evil entities and creatures surfaced: As I lay in bed, waiting for the next round of exits, suddenly, as I was deep down in the pulse of my existence, the phrase rose up, “I forgive you.”
Suddenly all dissolved; the Haunted House showed itself as brand new, its basement being beset floor to ceiling with white tiles and all the house’s secret spaces were clean, even a secret room under the stairs contained a fresh glass of water with a flower in it… These small glasses were positioned throughout the house…
During this rising sun of ‘I Forgive You,’ there was a voice constantly reminding me (very over and over again) to not wonder if it is really over and if ‘all’ is really clean, to “Revel in your forgiveness, Revel in your forgiveness.”
So, with this, I laid in my bed for long moments, sunk deep, a blank-love girth resonating awe and wonder at the immeasurableness of Forgiveness’s ability to hold IT ALL and breath gold dust into rotten bones, imbuing them with millions of tiny smiley faces…
Looking at the light of my headlamp, while this Holy State of Being sunk into every fiber of my being: Every cell of me is forgiveness!
Bless Hell
I found myself having journeyed to the subterranean shelf overlooking Hell… As I lay on this vast dark slab of rock I saw the awesome expanse of Hades miles below: I manifested the Blazing Eye of the Virgin Mary, waving it out over this endless cavern, forgiving it all, a Galactic event!
God’s Eagle
Soon I was back (my presence in the body laying in bed) and looking at the family gathered together again smiling, looking at me expectantly from the spirit dimension. I went into a long dialog as to what I would/wanted to build for them in their dimension, i.e., tree houses, beautiful mazes where you never get lost, a mansion with healthy, gracious servants, waterfalls of rainbow water, so gentle that you could safely place a baby beneath it, soft green grass, pools of fish, gardens, etc. Blessing them with a magnitude of forgiveness unknown in me until now…
Suddenly a voice said, “You are the omni-directional object of forgiveness.” And a shape like a tall pyramid showed up and my consciousness embodied this: Soon would arrive, welding itself to my chest, The Breastplate of God’s Eagle, while starfish would attach themselves front and back, side to side and top to bottom to my skull so to ‘protect my mind.’
God poured, filling me with Tiger’s Eye (the semi-precious stone); then an odd gemstone formed, a ruby fused to an opal, I believe this represented ‘Gentleness’ (possibly Patience), though I cannot pinpoint it for sure… I believe this took place in my head as the third gem to be seated there (?)
A voice told me to serve the Prison system, that I was being vested with the power to hear confessions and to absolve others of their sins… Earlier in the night, in the midst of the purging, I would be told that I was now a Benedictine Monk…
God reminded me of my angelic divinity several times throughout the night… In this eve I used my God Hands, the Black Egg, the Eyes of Christ, the Green Cobra and Bear Totem (eyes?).
No One is Ugly
Suddenly in the midst of these offerings to me, a most Holy event occurred, my hand involuntarily went to my eye, and one by one removed a sort of Etheric lens or cataract from both; I was then told, “No one is ugly” and there was born in me an awesome capacity to see and feel so deeply behold the layers of physical/flesh expression, to make out the jewel inside the chunk of coal and the lotus seed in the swamp beneath all expressions of appearance…
Another symbol would present itself, a four leaf clover; this would be imprinted on my World Mind… I do not recall the aspect/definition connected to it, though sense it was ‘Acceptance.’
Black Love
Tonight an amazing object descended upon me; I was told that I was being endowed with ‘Black Love’ and was to be the Keeper of this ‘tool.’ It was in the shape of a long rectangular upright box having two pyramidal terminations, like a Tibetan double-terminated crystal… I sensed that it was hallow, ether filled, so, so light, ultra thin panels of black glass-ish material. I was instructed that this would allow me to access the deepest of subtle levels… I believe this was connected to receiving confessions and absolving sins so far as intuiting a person’s ‘layers.’
Note: A note about being filled with Black Rubies; either a carry over from C.32 or being a repeat procedure in this night’s events (?)
Holy Envelope
Soon, I found my left hand involuntarily opening up my etheric body, like a long flap of a rectangular-ish flesh-envelope; once open, the family I had liberated crawled inside me: I was told that they were now in Holy Hibernation within me…
I was told to name my healing occupation, ‘Temple of the Christ Heart.’
Appreciation of others, no looking back, no self reflections, all peering heart knowing…
There was a section of my brain that showed itself as problematic, somewhat stale and just ‘hanging on.’ I asked God to take it and he did: I also experienced my tongue frying in a pan; an astral purge of karma (?)
I was wrapped all over with Red Coral rings for protection, though do not recall the context, simply an occurrence/vestment…
This night I would have severe purges at the beginning, one in relation to companionship with the exchange of Dependence for Independence (this is what the purge transformed/switched in me, a very deep and haunting event, to have this mother-son template slowly pulled out from underneath me, to be left standing naked and considerably alone, perched on myself and whistling an old sense of a song, though not anything discernable enough to calm just then.) This aspect of dependence was shown as a corruption of ‘That we are all one.’
So Beneath You
Another miraculous change tonight was that my consciousness deepened in its ability to Fall in Love with what was/is ‘beneath the skin,’ i.e., the inner maiden beneath all body shapes, conditions and psychological expressions… I experienced this while looking into my own body and it was here that my love for Isis (T.) took an incredible, transformative turn and deepened into a slow, Holy service of growth, carefulness and Galactic patience! The can be no fascination in this kind of service…
Share The Love
Another awesome message and stern correcting/adjustment from Yage was that I needed to share my new love of Isis to/with my family: Yage revealed the dangerous rift that needs to be sown together early on: She requested that I write my father a letter (I intuited that it was to be a separate letter, instead of a family-address.) I will also write him and my mother a letter, addressing it to my whole family.
My love is clearer now: I also made an incredible conscious connection to what my Heart wants as if it were a separate planet in my conscious-cosmos!
Deep into the most awesome purge to date one thing shone through, the Most High and Grand Acknowledgment that my most precious possession is my Love, my Heart and my giving this outwards to the world! It was one of the most magnificent bursts of service-revelations! (This may have been prior to the Christ Heart temple manifestation.)
Prince To Be
I recall my Spirit-son (the one to be born on Earth) thanking me for this gesture of purging: I was also told that it would help all of my family since this material had been passed down through my family ‘Trees.’ (Yage did not use the word ‘trees,’ though I sense that this material was a shared karma between both families… No literal specifics about this came through The Zone.
Leave People Alone, Be Yourself First
At around 3:30-4:00PM later in the purge-daytime, I was experiencing messages that there was something dead in my stomach and getting glimpses of Hades aesthetics flashing through my mind’s eye; also something was seemingly trying to feed on my Sex Chakra: Ayahuasca spoke to me, saying, ‘Go to the river.’
On my way I dry heaved a little at the banks of the river and then went for three long submerges; Aya told me that the evils were washing away, that I am a child, innocent, etc.
Soon I went to lay down in the sun in front of the Main House, massaging and breathing from my stomach, facing the sun direct (Plus a full kneeling and kissing the ground on my way back to the Main House from the river).
While the masses of tensions were releasing a voice came to me and said, “Revel in your forgiveness.” Also it would later tell me as I massaged deep into my small intestines to, “Leave people alone.” to “Be Yourself.”
I could feel my happiness and the residue of aggravations leaving: It feels like an additional re-birth today! That I am a gentle man, no thirst, Love is not thirsty, Love is endearing and asks the deepest of questions with its eyes wide open upon itself before making Love.
The chimes of the undisclosed!
The Holy aspect of Appreciation.
Using Snowflake-medicine to sooth my stomach.
The awesome holy endurance; multitudes of kneeling, supplications to God’s Holy Matrix-kingdom of Earth-ethereal existence at its holiest.
Playing Bob Marley while/during several of the purges via the Ipod: The song ‘I like it like this’ and feeling that Mother Ayahuasca was singing this through his music, i.e., delivering ‘her message’ through his byway… Finally the exuding electricity coming from my fingers took out the Ipod!
I forgive you because it makes me happy.
Throughout this experience tonight I would manifest the Virgin Mary sign and call up the Green Cobra and Tiger protection-gestures.
I was told to no longer touch insects, to leave them alone…
I may have purged some of L’s (my friend in CA) material too this night. Through one part of the evening I professed my love and Holy acceptance of her… A profound event between myself and this God-sister!
It seems that the premonition from C.32 that I would walk in the Valley of Death during the next ceremony was right.
At one point in the C.H. I was strongly called to take a shower and sensed that the ceremony was over: I went to leave and Luco asked me to stay; about 15-20 minutes into the beginning of my purge he called out my name, saying, “Michael, shower.” I exited…
I was told by Yage that I had cleared out all material, that there were no more dark corners, etc. (Though as in relation to what ‘now?’)
Reveling in my Forgiveness, washing my body tonight with God’s Bar of Soap: I love you You.
The moment of looking at my bare body, sensing its depth, its majestic and quiet longing to be with me: making the companion-connection to it…
As I wrote in my journal ‘this,’ I could also feel an energetic release occurring as it flowed out of me and onto the page of God’s Divine Matrix.
‘My heart!, My heart!’ I called out, whispering, soft-desperately yearning to Me, ‘This is all I have, my heart, my heart, this is it!’
Tonight a spirit came to me, manifesting as a double-headed wolf; I explained to the Little Boy in me (or The Man who I was liberating) that this is a good being…
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