November 8, 2009
Holy Open Heart Surgery
This particular ceremony’s content is ordered differently due to a time constraint when I recorded it: I wrote it in event-segments so as to not loose the vital cores of the lessons and changes that took place inside me… The segment-sequence isn’t exact, though is true to event… As usual I let Luco choose my dose and soon double awoke in the Ayahuasca zone… A deep, powerful ceremony; clearly flowing and adding from those events of C.27!
Holy Love Service
I soon took to the mat stationed behind my rocking chair; once there Ayahuasca presented herself as my lover and mentioned that she was going to have an orgasm in my heart. I felt this ‘substance’ flow into my heart as my body convulsed and an odd electronic wave shuttered through my etheric spirit and subtly my flesh…
Following this (and throughout the ceremony) Yage would give lessons concerning sex, i.e., that my sex is pure, that mere acts are not sinful, it is the context of emotion invested in ‘the form’ of sex that brings about the corruption. That the Earth has lost the sacred practice of Holy Love Service (making love to give to the electronic field of the planet as a sacrament, etc.) Scenes and senses of this craft/discipline journeyed to me…
Boots and Gauntlets
I received earlier at the river (prior to ceremony) the message that I’d be getting ‘boots and gauntlets’ during this ceremony.
Early into the ceremony, as I lay on the mat, these items presented themselves to me like a fairytale being woven into the reality of my breathing living! The boots were delivered as being made of woven wheat: A voice told me that these were for walking in the Valley of Death. The sensation of them going on was soft, humble, assured…
The gauntlets; each had a different sensation as they were being built onto my hands and not prior… The left was empowered by the Astrological Forces of the Horizontal Plane of Earth (having also a distinct connection/relationship to those living Earth-representations of these astrological forces) and has the jaguar totem picture on it, while the right was/is empowered with all the Planetary Aspects of our Solar System, having the buffalo pictured on it. (I felt these physically erupting into manifestation upon my hands.)
Ruby Dagger
It was at this stage (near it) that my right hand did a strange involuntary gesture, it went into a rigid spear point gesture and turned to meet my mid-sternum area… Once there a force pressed my quivering tense fingertips into me, this hurt a little as a voice told me that I was receiving The Ruby Dagger, to be sheathed in my sternum. (The sheathing position felt to be horizontal to my eventual standing up posture, i.e., not running parallel to my body line.)
When receiving this Ruby Dagger a voice told me that I was now a Holy Surgeon of the Order of Red Cross: Briefly some sort of huge shrine to the crucifixion arrived in the Ceremony House…
A voice said something about a crucifixion taking place inside me (I anticipated this, though a different ‘form/expression of this event’ happened that I could/can not apply my mind to, an event perhaps ‘behind the scenes’)… The voice also said something concerning paying homage to the crucifixion subject/event…
As this Ruby Dagger scene faded, I was told that I’d be performing a Holy Open Heart Surgery on Tobie.
World Purge
Either prior to the reception of the dagger or simultaneous, I received the message that I would be having the hugest, biggest purge to date, etc. Soon the voice said, “You are about to experience a World-purge; this occurred through my heart, scattering my mind to the void for several minutes, (The shaking, and the heart, head, sex chakra energy exchange… A voice saying that, “This is Diamond Mind.”
Holy Sacred Caution
Soon afterwards I was told that I now had an octopus living in my stomach with tentacles facing up. The octopus told me that she wears my erection as a diadem; I felt this imply a Holy Sacred Caution and discretion in this area.
Ruby Stomach
It was after the octopus manifestation that I was told that I was also being given a Ruby Stomach, I sensed that this had something to do with transforming substances that I’d receive while healing others, i.e., ‘Having to stomach…’ (This would soon prove to be right.) I briefly experienced the Ruby Stomach’s solidification inside me, briefly turning the octopus into a ruby coated being too, or permanent, since I did sense that I now had a ‘ruby octopus’, though this feeling was semi-rooted (?)
Calling to send
Throughout the ceremony Yage would ask me to send large numbers of Healing Spheres to Tobie (40-50 in all). Yage would also express incredible joy and celebration upon me concerning my keeping of my promise via C.27 about showing certain forms of affection towards someone still ‘connected’ to another.
The Mask of Sorrow
I believe it was nearing mid-ceremony when I voice told me that The Mask of Sorrow was descending upon me, to invest into it as much Love and Forgiveness that I could muster, so to dissolve it, etc. I did this; I experienced a brief merging with dark forces, though my joy remained rooted in my consciousness as a witness and dissolver of pain, confusion, resentment, etc.
Afterwards Yage would reveal that it belonged to Tobie, that this was delivered to me due to my desire to help her heal ‘echoes’ of past sufferings.
There were two instances when I called up various totems (not all of them) that are associated to me… When they arrived, I experienced for the first time them settling into their ‘regular places’…
The dove nested in my heart, the falcon on my head, while the owl and hawk were each perched on either sides of my shoulders; the eagle inhabited my winged brain and the tiger was walking around behind my chest.
Crystals, Future and Diamond Mind
As I lay on the mat a voice asked me to open my mouth, as I did this, the pouring of a cascade of rose crystals down my throat took place; the voice continued to say that this was for foretelling the future.
A second pouring occurred, this involved a bit more gem-material and I sensed that it filled larger cavities in me (?)
I do not recall the exact gemstone, I believe it to be either blue sapphires or green emeralds (?) The voice told me that this would lead me now to the acquisition of the ability to predict illness.
The Black Egg
During mid-ceremony dense energies were circulating; suddenly I found myself presented with a black egg… I was told that this ‘egg’ was both a transportation device (that I’d be instructed in later) and a protection chamber…
I covered myself with my blanket and envisioned the vertical depiction of a huge Black Egg and later saw the horizontal version while laying on a mat; both visions showed me inside it.
I’d later be instructed to produce a shamanic fabric with long black gloves (and possibly some sort of writing), i.e., a cloak of sorts that I could place over me entirely and with long-sleeved gloves, enabling me to work on others while inside the orb.
Afterward I found myself involuntarily storing it in my left eyebrow. I felt that the cloak would be for very ‘once in a blue moon’ (very rare) applications.
God Thee
God told me tonight that, “Enya is an angel in disguise.”, while I was listening to one of her songs that Paul was sharing with me during the after-ceremony-time (We were both listening to the song at the same time with one ear bud each).
Yage told me that God has no wife, only Lovers and that she was one of them.
God saying that Yage does not know/rule over the Angels, that he does (the Angels, Arch-Angels, Seraphim, etc.) and that she is the Queen of the Plant Kingdom, his garden on Earth…
God saying to me, “You’d better be grateful!” (I do not recall the context here…)
God showed me how his eyes are covered by a lens made up of all the eyes of the world and that my frustration is his frustration… There was also a small glance revealed as to his level of suffering; this felt that it would nearly annihilate my ability to be present to its witnessing!
A voice told me that, “Your (Tobie & I) lovemaking will produce quartz crystal palaces, places (foster homes) where orphan angels will live.” To take great care of her, that she is a jewel in God’s crown…
Beg into blossoming
Kneeling on the CH floor twice; once was for the gifts (?)* and the second was for gratefulness towards the Bear Totem for its presence in the healing of Tobie… The Bear telling me that my thanks was accepted. *I believe the first kneeling occurred after the World Purge through my heart.
As I knelt with my hands cupped as a bowl, my consciousness was suddenly taken to a cosmic scenery/sensation of presence where there were beings in naked human form suspended in Galactic Space holding empty bowls… A voice told me that they held the Galaxy together.
I will do the rest
Note: Towards the beginning of the ceremony Meghan told the apprentices that they could help others if the demand called for it… I waited for the right time to approach Tobie about my call to do the Holy Open Heart Surgery on her…
I went to her; asking if I could enter her space, she replied “Yes” and I sat down. I told her about the request of the Medicine that I perform this service [or possibly it came from the same voice who told me about the significance of the Ruby Dagger (?)]
She placed her right hand affectionately right where the end of the dagger ‘was’ (This was an incredible coincidence! There are none really.) I told her about this and asked if she’d pull it out, she did and I took it and placed it on her heart…
With my inner vision I saw her heart anatomy briefly and could sense that the dagger began to slowly sink through her chest and into her heart. Yage then said, “I will do the rest.”
At the beginning of this healing I called in all my totems, one by one, saying their titles innerly.
There was a point early on where the Headdress of the Goddess of Love manifested and stayed for 5-10 minutes…
I found myself putting into each of my eyes, one by one, the emeralds of the Bear Totem… Immediately the Bear Totem embodiment occurred and ‘I’ (we) placed its right paw over her heart and the left paw on the side of her head…
I experienced intense tensing up of the hand over her heart and the sense that the bear was sensing something deep and stubborn that needed extra attention to come to the surface and exit; I could sense its long, etheric claws reaching into her astral body, near the heart-field!
There were also transferences of energy through the left and right hands/arms from my solar plexus to her heart and head and back again, initiating a flow…
As the Bear Totem held steady its quivering, tense paw, I envisioned her heart solidifying into pure quartz crystal…
Concerning her heart, I/we pulled out a dart/sliver, sending it on its way with love. I then made a scooping gesture with both hands over the top of her heart area, taking this contents into my mouth and swallowing ‘a portion’ to be transformed in my heart.
Her deep responsive breathing, convulsions, little growls and hisses…
Towards the end of the heart work, I called up the manifestation of the Gloves of Love (the exorcism gloves) and held one above her heart; I experienced a sort of imprinting occur via the crystal heart phenomenon and sensed that a protective film/bandage had been administered.
I retrieved the dagger from my right hand and placed it back into my sternum (horizontally).
I then moved to her head for the second part of the healing.
I placed the huge Bear Totem paws laterally across her face with the ends of the paws facing opposite directions…
The Bear Totem called her several times to bring it up through her throat and purge, it also worked on her throat chakra during this request…
It was also speaking to something inside her, telling it to leave or it would reach in and pull it out by itself…
It did not respond and this is when the Bear Totem said, “Then I will pull you out.” Gently reaching inside her mouth, I envisioned the Bear Totem’s claws being used as a sort of great sized pair of tweezers; these grabbed hold of some etheric ‘edge’ (a wing tip) and began to slowly pull something from her mouth…
Once outside, in my vision field, I experienced it as some sort of flapping bat-like-entity (‘Bat-like’ though no body, seemingly all flapping wings.)
It flapped furiously while being held in ‘my’ very tensed index/thumb-hold on it: Flitting it off towards the Path of Love, we sent it on its way…
She would purge 10-15 minutes later after I went to sit down, as I watched over her progress/process while embodying the Bear Totem. I took her purge bucket, replacing it with a clean one and delivered its contents to the Earth outside and gave it a final rinse in the sink.
Towards the end of ceremony, the manifestation of Alligator Medicine towards a fellow deaf-attendee of the Ayahuasca ceremony.
Purging through taking a couple trips to the bathroom.
To be a bright blue shadow.
I want to be God’s pocket watch so I will always be the right time.
Seeing the huge upside down Pentagram over the bathrooms; and being told that it is an ancient symbol for the Evacuation Exit Temple of the Purge, that it is a corruption that it is considered an evil symbol.
A voice told me that the Earth was the Fallen Angel… (The transformation of each human-coat-cell.) (Angel-cell?) Leading to the redemption of the fallen one (?)
Yage sent a message through me to tell Jeff that, “You are beautiful.” Also a suggestion to Tobie to change her name.
Throughout the ceremony tonight I put in the bear totem-eyes several times.
Several fairy-type entities came to me and presented themselves. Bat-like and possibly integrated with architectural designs… No specific theme or function that I can recall (?)
The revelation that my friend in CA is also a God-sister of mine: Tobie is also and is additionally my Twin Flame… Experiencing the deep, deep realization of my eternal commitment to her as my sister from my Father-God origins.
Yage instructed me concerning my friendship with my ‘sister’ in CA: Asking me to cancel the trip to the coast ASAP and to write a thoughtful letter explaining the transformations, changes, etc. and that she is a God-sister of mine.
Strongly sensing the eagle wings of my brain throughout the day after ceremony.
To be careful with my diet: No junk food (Cookies, salty chips, etc.)
That Yage would reconsider the tattoo ideas and possibly provide the designs and locations.
Learning discretion, vicinity timing and to not get into the ventiata field of another (per this night’s events).
Sensing a need to build a shrine to my Grandmothers. Yage calling me a ‘young shaman’. Experiencing the beingness-sense of my Earth given name in the shamanic realm while I was sitting in the rocking chair.
The next day after ceremony; the sensation that there is molten static behind my forehead…
The huge shift to not spread bad news and speculative news.
The titanium material revelation that came to me the next day while wondering about the skeleton’s composition: That the Galactic skeleton was represented in this material since titanium is one of the only metals (possibly ‘the only’ so far) that the body ‘reads’ as bone, i.e., grafting onto it ‘naturally’, no rejections, etc. [To verify]
The deep sense of starting new as a god-galactic skeleton beginning… The sensation of quiet, subtle carefulness concerning the building of my Eternal body/spirit…
Thanking the bear/or experiencing my aspects of Dignity…
Sending energies to misc. people throughout the night: Distance orbs of healing intent/energy-charge…
Grandmother Yage said that all of her cooking utensils were made of solid gold. I caught myself wondering if the water she used was ‘exotic’ (?) She soberly replied with a precise answer, saying, “It’s just regular water.”
I went to use the right gauntlet to perform a self healing this night and Yage stopped me halfway and said, “No, the other one.” I used the jaguar/astrology-gauntlet glove to pull a large string (rigid cord-like) from my left leg/calf: Prior I experienced a throbbing sensation there; it disappeared after I pulled the ‘blockage’ out.
I spread the Black Falcon medicine around the CH room; sitting in its deep, secretive meditation of royalty… The sense-perception as the witness to its presence that it was keeping ‘spirit-rodents’ at bay… An incredible embodiment of its watch-tower dedication! I believe it was here that the Headdress of the Goddess of Love also manifested awhile, a second spreading of its energy-intent took place.
The vision/Galactic-wisdom-receiving concerning the ‘Round Vertebrae’ via the state prior to the God-seed’s division into two separate sexes…
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